ethereumproject / ECIPs

The Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposal
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ECIP-1032: Readable Address and Transaction Hash #75

Closed sorpaas closed 5 years ago

sorpaas commented 6 years ago



This defines convertion of address and transaction hash in Ethereum Classic network to readable strings, similar to how Urbit handles its ship names. As an example, EthMine's coinbase address (0xdf7d7e053933b5cc24372f878c90e62dadad5d42) written in this scheme becomes ~hocwyt~misper~difmev~dabryd~livtep~dotpun~nibbex~nalbyn~pocmug~morden.

This ECIP only proposes an optional implementation for wallets and other dapp interface, and does not change anything in the underlying protocol, or in JSON RPC.


Ethereum Classic's address is 160-bit, and transaction hash is 256-bit. They're currently only represented in a long hex string. This, when exchanged by users (for example, in situations where it needs to be transmitted by hand) can result in errors. This ECIP proposes a way to rewrite the 160-bit address or the 256-bit transaction hash in a human readable way similar to Urbit.

elaineo commented 6 years ago

Just to clarify, you're not proposing to replace existing address/ tx hashes, right? This is more of a UI for wallet interfaces, like how a private key can be recorded as a sequence of words?

BTW i still can't remember my urbit ship name ;(

sorpaas commented 6 years ago

Yes you're right! @elaineo

arvicco commented 6 years ago

It looks like Urbit base-65536 phonetic names, but uses different phonemes, right? Is there a reason for this? If it's going to copy Urbit's approach, why not use the same phonemes as well?

sorpaas commented 6 years ago

@arvicco I intended to use the same phonemes as Urbit, but might have accidentally got an outdated one.

Do you know where I can find the newest definition of phonemes?

sorpaas commented 6 years ago

Just fixed the phonetic base, should look much nicer now.

arvicco commented 6 years ago

Yes, the phonetic table looks up to date with Urbit now.

arvicco commented 6 years ago

Personally, I love the pure geekery of Urbit phonetics but in terms of declared goal of making obscure numbers memorable, I'm highly skeptical. Something like this goes much longer in reaching this goal IMHO.

sorpaas commented 6 years ago

Also probably something like, if the goal is to be momerable. 😃

Indeed it doesn't help in terms of memorable. I think Urbit and this ECIP only makes it readable and pronounceable. It's usefulness depends how it's actually used. For example, I would be more willing to put a Urbit-like address in my personal website. Also, in the case that I need to copy/paste an address from a non-connected mobile phone to my laptop (in the case of type and looking), this scheme will also help.

sjmackenzie commented 6 years ago

This is a seriously bad idea. It messes with the semantics, it'll confuse users.

sorpaas commented 6 years ago

@sjmackenzie this ECIP does not change any existing semantics, rather it crates an optional new one that people can choose to use or not use. Probably you misread something?