ethereumproject / ECIPs

The Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposal
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Adopt EIP-658 #92

Open pyskell opened 6 years ago

pyskell commented 6 years ago

ETH recently introduced the REVERT opcode to allow for a transaction failure that does not consume all gas. As a side-effect they've had the status element of a transaction receipt start actually returning a succeeded/failed status; rather than null as seen prior to their Byzantium fork, and on the ETC blockchain.

While ETC does not necessarily need EIP-658 to function adequately I believe it would be nice to have so that those used to having status available on the ETH chain also find it as they expect on ETC.



Dexaran commented 6 years ago

As a smart-contract developer, I would say that REVERT opcode implementation is an important detail for smart-contract development & compatibility with current Remix IDE.

I support EIP658 implementation in ETC.

Also, I think that implementation details should not differ from ETH for compatibility reasons. Thus, I think that status should work exactly as it is working in ETH version.