ethereumproject / volunteer

Information regarding the community development initiative, learn how to volunteer and contribute to the decentralized development effort.
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Membership, post to volunteer #1

Open whatisgravity opened 8 years ago

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

Please post here if you would like to gain membership to the ethereumproject organization which manages the Ethereum Classic development (ETC). Please introduce yourself, tell us your skillset and how you can contribute to the project.

We will try to remain open as possible but everyone will needed to be added on a trial basis to prevent potential abuse.

For volunteers interested in helping with community organization, management and other administrative tasks please visit:

I will be removing inactive members of the organization. This will prevent accounts from being potentially abused later. With our liberal write access policies this is an important policy. We can be less strict when we add more granular access to the repositories.

If you are removed you due to inactivity, you are not penalized or punished, and are welcome to request to be re-invited back into the organization.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@bobsummerwill @arvicco forked a lot of projects when he created the EthereumClassic project, those projects were just place holders I suspect. Those will all be deleted. The development is currently within etheruemproject and is set to be migrated ethereumclassic. We only have projects forked which we are actively working on in the development organization.

This was not originally a coordinated effort, it was just independent people working towards a similar goal and it organically formed into a community. I created the ethereumproject group before I got involved with ethereumclassic.

We are actively evolving, and converging into a more organized entity, and it will be under the ethereumclassic name space. It will just take us time because many of us are volunteers, myself I work on other open source projects with my other github account so our time resources are currently limited. We will migrate but we are still very new and still organizing and initializing our development infrastructure.

soundbit commented 8 years ago

New design succesful funded and work in progress! @whatisgravity how to contact you in telegram?

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

I need to get a new sim card for telegram (will have that tomorrow), in the meantime I have been idling in the IRC channel on OFTC which I believe is a fitting server for us. Even if you just pop in and say something then leave I will be able to read it when I can.

Edit: My telegram ID is @whatisgravity

ProphetDaniel commented 8 years ago

In my understanding telegram is best for community inputs. The IRC channel is a preferred method for increased security of the development team when users are GPG signed.

arvicco commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity Correct. The repos were forked prior to merging with ethereumproject org when it was decided that the development side will be managed from ethereumproject for the time being. Personally, I'm quite comfortable with things staying this way for a while, with two separate repos for dev and non-dev stuff.

And yes, duplicating ethereumclassic repos should be deleted to avoid confusion.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

To help avoid confusion too, I have updated the icon and changed the name to Ethereum Classic Project, which doesn't affect the namespace but will prevent confusion between the two developer organizations.

I need to spend the rest of my available time on getting the Mist wallet ready to build. I will check back to answer any questions as soon I'm able to.

bobsummerwill commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity For sure. Going from nothing-to-something is a lot of work. Great to see you enumerating work that with Github issues :-) Good luck and best wishes.

cypher437 commented 8 years ago

I'm interested in helping out, I'm a developer willing to pick up anything in the evening and helping out in the front or back.

madmanblues commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity mainly HTML/CSS. I have some experience with javascript, PHP and Java as well.

troygolden commented 8 years ago

I can code. Please let me know what I can do to help.

Machete3000 commented 8 years ago

I'm a developer and I'd like to help out too. So far I've forked the ETHF netstats project and put up a network stats page for ETH classic at . Feel free to add your geth or parity node if you're running one:

marcusyh commented 8 years ago

I'm a tester, can write python, and preparing to do something help the classic project. Any task will be appreciate.

arvicco commented 8 years ago

@Machete3000 Great job on Netstat, thanks a lot! I didn't even hope someone will take initiative to adopt it so quickly. It's already listed on Reddit in resource list and will be added to website shortly.

matthewjamesr commented 8 years ago

@Machete3000 I can run a node if needed, if correct I only see two nodes participating current as of a few hours ago. Are you on Telegram for PM?

ProphetDaniel commented 8 years ago

Site development streaming now at I think Netstat should be available there.

vodnic commented 8 years ago

I was redirected here from reddit. Are you still looking for lil' santa helpers? I am a back-end developer, ~4 years of commercial experience in C++ (+ years before a first job) and ~2 years of commercial experience in Java. Also, minor python experience (used only when needed) and day to day life with bash.

comndkn commented 8 years ago

ok, Please allow me a couple of days to discuss these ETC dev proposals internally with my team members i.e. developing an ETC Payment API with an integrated Exchange that will quote BidAsk ETC/BTC, ETC/USD,ETC/ETH and other pairs as well as an ETC Metapool to aggregate mining pools. I will probably ask you send us an invite by end of next week. BTW I received a PM from Aztek_btc asking me if I could help him on his proposal to shift mining to PoS(he messaged me around 7:30AM GMT). I told him you are the right person to answer this. But in my opinion in this will lead to centralization as mining on GPUs will not longer be feasible if you heed to his proposal. I pmed you this on telegram as well.

comndkn commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity ok, Please allow me a couple of days to discuss these ETC dev proposals internally with my team members i.e. developing an ETC Payment API with an integrated Exchange that will quote BidAsk ETC/BTC, ETC/USD,ETC/ETH and other pairs as well as an ETC Metapool to aggregate mining pools. I will probably ask you send us an invite by end of next week. BTW I received a PM from Aztek_btc asking me if I could help him on his proposal to shift mining to PoS(he messaged me around 7:30AM GMT). I told him you are the right person to answer this. But in my opinion in this will lead to centralization as mining on GPUs will not longer be feasible if you heed to his proposal. I pmed you this on telegram as well.

matthewjamesr commented 8 years ago

I am completely against Proof of Stake. We are here to maintain ETC, the original Ethereum. Sure we can make enhancements and improvements that over time will diverge from ETHF, but we should not be changing the central protocol.

Adamently against this. He has mentioned this on Reddit and I think this is what caused to social media scare

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@matthewjamesr I respect your opinion on this subject but I don't think we should make decisions about this yet, for now I think we should adopt a wait and test policy. If it is released, we should test it in simulation and on test net and see if it lives up to the security expectations. Lets migrate any PoS talk into a separate thread so this thread can be dedicated to organizing volunteers please. I encourage you to make a post on the subject so people can begin the discussion because I do think it is important, it just would be better in its own thread.

@CodeStackDave @troygolden Great to hear you are interested, can you tell us more about your development experience? It would help in finding ways we can best utilize your time and skillset.

@madmanblues Depending on your comfortability you may find your skills best used in issuing improvements to the open source block chain explorer or the various information resources. I know there was a ETC wiki project that was currently using a default template. Maybe someone could link you to it or I may be able to track down the person running it and get you in contact.

@Machete3000 Great work! It is great to see that project be restored for ETC use. If you are interested I think it would be worth moving that project under this organization to allow easier collaboration. We could use more developers working on the blockchain explorer, or if you could tell us about what languages you are comfortable with we can see what other projects you might be able to contribute to.

@marcusyh Very happy to hear you are interested in assisting, we could use your experience with python. If you are comfortable enough it would be great if you could take the lead on restoring and maintaining upstream patches on the python client/library. If you decide to do this remember to not simply fork, but clone, create the repository in the organization and push. This will keep the commit history and not make the project a simple fork. The reason being is github treats forks as second class citizens and this will allow us access to features like full text search.

@vodnic We are always looking for more volunteers, we want to keep the project open as possible so anyone can contribute. Your skills would be very valuable to our existing team, you could help immediately with the existing efforts to restore and maintain EthereumJ but we also need to start work on cpp-ethereum. If you decide to lead the effort on cpp-ethereum, @bobsummerwill has offered their assistance on helping our developers contribute to the project. I think this is a valuable project and it could help start to bridge our two communities. Anywhere you feel comfortable we would be happy to have you assist.

@comndkn There is no rush, especially with a project that important, notify me when you have more information. You can contact me directly using the contact details above or the email on my key.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

It is really great to see so much interest, please remember to add your gpg/pgp key, and setup multifactor authentication when possible.

Right now the commit rights are pretty liberal but when in doubt make a pull request and do not directly make commits to projects. So far it has been working wonderful, but more restrictions can be put into place if this system is not working in the future.

bobsummerwill commented 8 years ago

Hey @vodnic,

So yeah - if you look up this thread, you'll see a few posts between myself and @whatisgravity with regard to cpp-ethereum. The "Homecoming" will be complete in a few days (back to from and we'll then do a v1.3.1 release which would be a great starting point.

I'm happy to talk you through the setup if you want to take that on. Best wishes.

Latest release was (content fixed, but location temporary).

Machete3000 commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity @marcusyh Full text search can be turned on for forks. You just have to request it from github support. If they accept to turn it on, a fork is easier to patch with upstream updates.

Machete3000 commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity I'll be taking a look into the blockchain explorer soon and will try my best to contribute.

dax-classix commented 8 years ago

hello, frontend dev here.

@Machete3000 i would love to help with an explorer!

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@Machete3000 You can add several remote locations to a git repository, so it turns out to be able to same difficulty to manage. This solution also does not require the approval of github. The way I suggest doing it also ensures we keep the entire git history which is very important. If the method did not credit all authors of their commits I would not suggest this method.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@dax-classix Can you tell us a little more about your experience, are you experienced with any specific framework for example?

jsmith-dev commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity working on:

realcodywburns commented 8 years ago

@bobsummerwill I have forked the homestead-guide into /ethereumproject/classic-guide for the migration. Thanks for the suggestion. Neutralization has begun.

bobsummerwill commented 8 years ago

Good luck, @realcodywburns.

RST format is generally comprehensible. None of us working on the docs have prior experience of the format, and we've all had to learn as we go.

If you have any questions, please do feel free to come and chat on the channel.

elaineo commented 8 years ago

@jsmith-dev I created a version of MyEtherWallet here:

do you want to combine efforts so we don't duplicate work?

marcusyh commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity Thanks a lot for the trust. I'm very glad to accept this task. I have to uncover myself that my skill is not good. I'll try the best, and also glad to hand the favor to a more skilled person when he or she appears in this team, and assist him or her with this task. Maybe it will take several days for me to learn how to, hopes it will be acceptable.

madmanblues commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity Wuold be great to start contributing on the improvements to the open source block chain explorer and the various information resources. It would be great if you can put me in contact with someone to better understand what to do. Moreover I'll start studing other aspects, I'm really interested on better understanding the way things are implemented.

elaineo commented 8 years ago

@madmanblues @Machete3000 @matthewjamesr Hey, since we're all working on the block explorer, do you want to move the discussion here?

bobsummerwill commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity @arvicco and everyone else ...

Quick note on ethereumproject and ethereumclassic Github organizations. See also @arvicco's comment here:

I see that the title for has been changed to Ethereum Classic Project which is good, but the actual URL is still a direct name-clash with the Ethereum Foundation's YouTube channel (

This really is the best time to simplify your naming, and I would suggest that gathering everything into ethereumclassic is just going to make things much easier. The two "organizations" was just due to emergent work, but would be easy to "fix" now. Leave it any longer, and it is becomes much harder.

I can vouch to the pain of trying to fix things when they have already drifted.


It just is SO much better to have simple naming and layout, otherwise you will continually get people getting confused between, and, and it will just generated noise and work which is utterly unproductive.

Up to you guys of course ... but simple is nearly always better, IMHO.

bobsummerwill commented 8 years ago

Having a quick look at your current repos, I think that would mean the following TODOs as of right now:

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@bobsummerwill Generally that plan is aligned with my view of the situation. However, it is not as simple as moving the libraries. There are too many instances where the repository name space has to be hard coded. These references will all need updating and then testing. A simple find and replace is not enough either because pathing is sometimes found as an array in the code. Or sometimes the URL should not be replaced.

I agree with @arvicco that the current arrangement with development split from administrative organization is not ideal but fine for the short term. Our priorities need to be providing alternative clients, specifically geth, Mist wallet, parity, EthereumJ. Any others would be great but I feel we need to maintain at a minimum these 4 clients.

Mist will need major updates, it also currently has an API key in the code that is creating revenue for developers. We need a transparent way to collect this money if we decide to keep Shifty API in the codebase. I'm concerned that many Mist users are unaware that Mist developers are collecting money on their conversions and inadvertently creating fingerprints for tracking individuals. Frankly, it feels a bit underhanded to offer a feature from a centralized service directly in the wallet and collect revenue without transparency. We also need to update conversions, modify or remove automated updating notifications and many other things. I'm also worried about other design decisions made by Mist developers, I don't think they are fully aware of the consequences of some of their design decisions.

We will not be reforking for the reason I have given several times in the thread, we simply do not have time to wait for github's approval over our forks, we need to get work done.

@bobsummerwill While we are on the topic of recommendations, I recommend the Ethereum Foundation rereview github pull requests like this:

While the wording may not be ideal, the claims on the Ethereum Foundation website right now disagree with not only the actions taken, but also disagree with recent articles written by Vitalik himself. From these recent articles, Vitalik has specific ranges it would take for a hard fork to happen. Continuing to advertise as unstoppable code, censorship resistant and without third party interference is more confusing for people trying to better understand the two projects than the name space of our github repository.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@jsmith-dev Thanks for taking on the project. I have not had too much time to investigate but if it does not exist you should consider adding checksum checking on imported javascript files. Its a step towards ensuring the files provided by your server are not modified. Javascript clients in their current form need additional work to make them more secure. If you have time to contribute additional development beyond maintaining the upstream I encourage you to investigate how you can further improve the security.

If you are interested in collaborating, you are welcome to migrate that project to the community development organization, so volunteers can easily help the development progress. As @elaineo said, there is already work being done so collaboration already seems possible. I sent you an invite.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@marcusyh Take your time, if you have any questions, please ask and someone will try to assist you. We should encourage an environment where the more skill volunteers help the less skilled. If it is done in the open it can act as early documentation and help others get involved in the future with less effort needed.

At this point it is primarily knowledge in git required. We can wait to contribute to development beyond maintaining upstream when more developers are able to volunteer on the project. If you are really unsure, document what you do, so people can understand what you did and can more easily assist you if you have trouble.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@realcodywburns Have you tried contacting github to get features like full text search unlocked on the classic-guide repository?

If not I recommend that you clone the repository, delete it, create a new project under our organization, change the remote to the new repository and push it. Forks are treated as second class citizens by github and doing it in this way we can do full text search and other features.

If you look, that is how all the projects have been done, this does not require authorization from github, gives us the features immediately and maintains the entire git commit history.

bobsummerwill commented 8 years ago

@whatisgravity Namespaces within the code itself, you mean? If so then yeah, massive pain-in-the-arse. You can see than in Expanse. If I were in your position, I wouldn't change any of the namespaces in the code. Or are you purely referring to references to the Github URL?

What Github "approval" are you referring to? Anybody can fork anything to anywhere, as far as I know? Or is that only the case from org -> personal? Do org -> org forks have human approval step required? If so, yuck. Who does the approval? Do those go to the admins of the other org?

Anyway - I've said enough on my thoughts on Github setup. These are your decisions to make.

RE: suggested changes. Thanks for the prod. I'll take that question to AVSA, who maintains the site.

vodnic commented 8 years ago

@bobsummerwill @whatisgravity I think I could focus on whatever you think is more important. Nevertheless, I will have to start by diving into ethereum itself, first. I came from bitcoin community and didn't used ethereum(classic) in any other way than trading it on exchanges. So right now I am looking into the white paper and then will try to catch up with pratical uses and official tools. Therefore I am not sure if I can be any help to you guys right now. But ofcourse, if you think there is anything I could/should do, I'll try to help.

Also, this thread is getting a bit chaotic with so many different things going on here, including new devs' applications.

splix commented 8 years ago

@bobsummerwill just a recent example, I've tried to make a pull request for our repo (which was created as you suggested, by forking), but Github instead of creating a pull request to our repo, it made pull request to your repo. Because it's a default setting. Of course I've deleted this invalid pull request, but you must understand that this is not the last time, and with forked repos you'll be constantly spammed by such invalid pull requests. Do you really want this? Basically GitHub have bad UX there, that's what @whatisgravity mean by second class citizen.

marcusrbrown commented 8 years ago

Hey all. I'm volunteering to maintain the C++ port of Ethereum, referred to as eth. Sign me up!

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

I will be removing inactive members of the organization. This will prevent accounts from being potentially abused later. With our liberal write access policies this is an important policy. We can be less strict when we add more granular access to the repositories.

If you are removed you due to inactivity, you are not penalized or punished, and are welcome to request to be re-invited back into the organization when you have more time to volunteer.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@vodnic Currently migration of the repository needs to occur, then we need to implement ways for each client to sync only to our chain. Then maintain upstream patches that do not include changes to the ledger or have no engineering issues until more people volunteer on the specific project.

If highly recommend you read more about the protocol and review the client in the language you feel most comfortable in. If you have any questions we can start an issue to help answer questions volunteers have regarding the protocol and client implementation.

@igetgames We would like more cpp developers, so if you could volunteer your time on cpp-ethereum, I explained roughly what needs to be done with this project. I have sent you an invite.

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@whatsdis We are actively maintaining two separate open source block chain explorers, we would be happy to have more people contributing to these projects. @elaineo and @matthewjamesr are both actively working on a new one, or you can look at the @aakilfernandes has forked the existing explorer and has been maintaining it here:

whatisgravity commented 8 years ago

@whatsdis There is no reason you can not assist, together a list of functional requirements can be generated and features from the list can be developed independently on separate branches and merged into a develop branch. This is an important project, because no open source block explorer exists that makes it easy to verify contract byte code.

elaineo commented 8 years ago

@whatsdis agreed, we've started creating a list of tasks and there's plenty more, join us here:

madmanblues commented 8 years ago

@elaineo are you already working on the items present on the list for the explorer? Just to avoid working in something that's already being done by someone else.