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[BOUNTY] API3 DAO - Use of first-party oracles [$1000] #3

Open KenCarvAPI opened 1 year ago

KenCarvAPI commented 1 year ago

Using API3's First-party Oracles


API3 is a collaborative project that delivers traditional API services to smart contract platforms in a decentralized and trust-minimized way. It is governed by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), namely the API3 DAO.

API3 has over 100 data feeds that can be accessed in a permissionless format through the API3 Market. Smart contracts can access this data on-chain using a self-funded dAPI model, where funds are provided to cover gas fees associated with oracle transactions.

Bounty Overview

Zero knowledge rollups present enhanced privacy and scalability. Builders can experiment with new infrastructure by combining the benefits of zk-proofs with the increased transparency and scalability of first-party oracles.

We welcome participants to apply these new tools to decentralized applications during the first Ethereum Zurich hackathon weekend.


We are looking for participants to build applications that demonstrates the use of API3's oracle technology. This may be using dAPIs, QRNG or deploying Airnode to a REST API.

We will reward builders that explore decentralized financial services that capitalize on the benefits of zero-knowledge rollups. For example, a novel application of paymaster utility would be a good submission.

Outside of DeFi, we will also accept submissions from dApps that use Airnode or QRNG that facilitate a proper use-case. Participants are free to implement their own ideas.

For more information, head to the supporting repository for getting-started guides and details on the challenge:

Additional Resources 🌐

We recommend reading our ‘getting started @ ETH Zurich repository’[] which has quick start guides and demo projects associated to API3 data feeds.

Judging Criteria ⚖️

According to the above, our core criteria will be based on how meaningful a use case has been facilitated with first-party oracles.

Participants may submit a maximum of one project by the hackathon deadline. After submission, projects will be judged by API3’s ecosystem team according to the following criteria:

Prize 🏆

The prize pool will be a total of $1000 1st: $750 2nd: $250

How to qualify? ☑️

According to the Etherum Zurich hacker guides, we recommend asking the hackers to post the link to their devpost submission as a comment to the issue before the hackathon deadline (Sun, Apr 16, 11AM Zurich time (GMT+2)) in order to hand their submission in.

Questions: Head to the API3 Discord

During the hackathon look out for Ben who will be mentoring and will be able to support light technical queries or development of projects.

If you are a developer and need support with using dAPIs or integration to your contracts, our core technical team and developer relations team will be on hand in the API3 Discord

savchart commented 1 year ago