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Alternative for Cosine Similarity #82

Open vdpappu opened 5 years ago

vdpappu commented 5 years ago

Currently, we use Cosine Similarity for similarity metric. With complex architectures like BERT, it may not be effective as the objective functions used for pre-training or fine-tuning does not directly reflect sentence relatedness without labelled dataset. Siamese Network ( provides an effective alternative for similarity tasks. This involves training a small network whose outputs highlights the similarity/dissimilarity between two inputs.

vdpappu commented 5 years ago

Siamese networks need supervised samples and generating semi-supervised samples through semi-supervised approach is not feasible. An alternative approach is to calculate the similarity between noun-phrases and/or useful verbs in the sentences reduces noise by not considering the contributions from filler words.

Initial approach:

Few issues to address:

vdpappu commented 5 years ago

Analyzing key-phrase scores across different layers to get the layer combination that gives stable results

vdpappu commented 4 years ago

worked on Candidate KP based similarity - Currently benchmarking on the opensource dataset to quantify the performance gains.

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Quora Question Pairs
Can you identify question pairs that have the same intent?
vdpappu commented 4 years ago

QQP is not the right dataset for cosine similarity. Will be working on analyzing the results on:

Data < SemEval-2014 Task 3
shashankpr commented 4 years ago

Another dataset which is used for benchmarking similarity tasks -

STSbenchmark - stswiki