"Gas Burners" is a great idea to indicate the activity status of Dapps on Ethereum.
Ideally, each contract address (of the top 100 contracts) should map with its ID to make the UI more intuitive. However, it seems many of the IDs are missing, while some exists (e.g., IDEX, cryptokitties, etc). User could not tell why some IDs are there, while the others do not.
ID should be better supported for better illustration purpose. Or, should there be a way for the contract creator to provide the ID of the contract to ethgasstation?
"Gas Burners" is a great idea to indicate the activity status of Dapps on Ethereum.
Ideally, each contract address (of the top 100 contracts) should map with its ID to make the UI more intuitive. However, it seems many of the IDs are missing, while some exists (e.g., IDEX, cryptokitties, etc). User could not tell why some IDs are there, while the others do not.
ID should be better supported for better illustration purpose. Or, should there be a way for the contract creator to provide the ID of the contract to ethgasstation?