ethnhe / FFB6D

[CVPR2021 Oral] FFB6D: A Full Flow Bidirectional Fusion Network for 6D Pose Estimation.
MIT License
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Own dataset training results are not accurate #82

Open yuanyesjtu opened 2 years ago

yuanyesjtu commented 2 years ago

Thanks to the authors for the excellent work. We have successfully reproduced the experiments above on datasets LineMod and YCB. However, when we tried to apply the model to our own dataset, the training results were not accurate. Our dataset contains 1 model, 1000 scenes. The depth map, color map, and mask map are as follows: This is model (We have compared our model with the model of the LM dataset, and their scales are similar. The selected keypoints are indeed on the model.): 1656894782721 1656896149909

This is scene (The scale is 640*480.): image This is the training process: 1656898007167

This is our training results: 1656895269682

We compared our own data with LM data, and the similarities and differences are as follows:

  1. There is little difference between the models;
  2. The dpt_mm of the LM data contains 270,000 non-zero points, and our dpt_mm contains 80,000 non-zero points.
  3. LM's kp_targ_ofst and ctr_targ_ofst contain about 100 points, and our kp_targ_ofst and ctr_targ_ofst contain about 600 points.
  4. Our nrm_map is significantly sparser than that of the LM dataset, such as: This is our nrm_map: image This is LM nrm_map: image

Can you point out the reason for our error? Thank you very much.

bjutlss commented 1 year ago

Hello, have you solved your problem? May I ask you some questions? @yuanyesjtu