ethnhe / PVN3D

Code for "PVN3D: A Deep Point-wise 3D Keypoints Hough Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation", CVPR 2020
MIT License
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How to train create our own dataset? #54

Closed LCJHust closed 3 years ago

LCJHust commented 3 years ago

Hi: I want to train the pvn3d with my own datasets, then I create dataset like YCB-Video-Dataset, but I have no idea how to get radius.txt. So how I can compute the radius of any other objects?

ethnhe commented 3 years ago

We obtained object info following PVNet: The corners.txt is the bounding box corners. It can be obtained by getting the min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y ... of all mesh points. The radius can be obtained by half the diagonal distance of the 3D bounding box. The farthest.txt contains keypoint selected from all mesh points with the Farthest Point Sampling (FPS) algorithm.

LCJHust commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply! However, I have calculated half the diagonal distance of the 3D bounding box which can't corresponding to radius.txt. So, Is there something wrong?

ethnhe commented 3 years ago

Did you use scripts from PVNet, the radius.txt is generated from that scripts.

ethnhe commented 3 years ago

Code for generating info (eg. keypoint and corner point) of new objects has been added. And the guide for adaptation to new datasets has been added in README.