ethscriptions-protocol / ESIP-Discussion

Public discussions of current draft ESIPs as well as public proposals for new ESIPs
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RFC: ESIP-9 — endpoints standardization / "recursion" #18

Open tunnckoCore opened 3 months ago

tunnckoCore commented 3 months ago

may 31, update:

Convention-type no-code update: ensuring interoperability, reliability, and composability - enforce sites/platforms/APIs expose at least /ethscriptions/{id}/content endpoint.

This shouldn't be an "IP", it's just logical thing helping all parties, and the usability of the protocol. I don't think Ordinals community had an IP for that, they all just came up to have at least such endpoint so it gave birth to explosion of recursion.

Make all users/third-parties apps/platforms that want to engage or build on top or visualize (whether an explorer or a market or whatever) ethscriptions to expose 2-3 endpoints on their main domain, not on subdomains. They still can have apis with their own structure, these 3 can be just proxies to their main api whether on /api or on api. or other subdomains.

Point is inscription's content can reliably depend on making dynamic imports or fetches to these endpoints, no matter from what type of page or where they are loaded.

This vastly helps with the so-called recursion. There's nothing complex. You don't need anything but a simple convention you can rely upon anywhere. You don't need "recursion protocol", like Anthony suggested and wrote a paper around such thing, i helped him with that too, but that's not the way. It's a cool thing, for entirely different use case. A basic "recursion" is nothing more than just convention between parties, using the basics and mechanics of The Web, the native and core loading.

The way is how Ordinals recursion is possible - every site/app/platform/api just expose endpoint to the content of the inscription - /content/{inscription_id} - ordinals com, ordiscan, hiro api, ord io, magic eden, and many more.

Here we can do similar thing:

I've been fighting with/for and around that for months. I have at least 2 collections that are using recursion and they are pending just because you cannot reliability do it. The current approach is to have an async function that uses try catch blocks to try and load a given ethscription id from multiple endpoints in event of failures or sites taken down one day.

Some months back i made the 0xNeko Recursive, and ethscribed few, the way they actually show everywhere is because this loader shit actually fallbacks to http to the v1 api.

We cannot just use http to the main ethscriptions api. We can, but that's not safe, decentralized, trustless, permissionless. In addition to that, that "loader" is adding cost to the final work.

Currently i have a recursive generative collection where each item consists of few ethscriptions, all combined is 2 libraries plus tiny code on top, and it's 80-100kb. I've ethscribed the parts months ago, so that my final work can be just 1kb or less. But with the current approach with "loader", the loader itself is at least 1-1.5kb which is around 2$ at 8gwei.

Problem is you cannot just ethscribe the loader, cuz again each ethscription gotta load reliably the loader.. which defeats the purpose of extracting some code in ethscription.

All that can be fixed by just having a standardized endpoint for at least the content, the /content.

Once we have this ESIP-9 accepted, we (me, ordex, eths com, and eths api) can all expose this endpoint. Thus, things like my Moira Hypnosis can be a lot smaller, in my case it literally can be just one line with a script tag pointing to /ethscriptions/{id}/content, plus few attributes that actually define the difference between items and the script in that ethscription will use them as options for the generative art.

Ethscriptions com

you have ethscription page already on /ethscriptions/{id}, just add /content that serves the raw ethscription content

The recursive 0xNekos and Moira already try to load grom that endpoint.

Ethscriptions api

There, the latest version should always be non-versioned, and have stable endpoints, or at least the above 2-3, or at least the /content


On Ordex

They have vastly complex and weird api, and it's actually on different domains, but that won't matter if they expose the same endpoints. That's normal, it's a mix of marketplace and indexer.

For their public api, they can expose the above 3 endpoints.

For their frontend site, they can expose the same.

All that makes it possible to have stable resolving anywhere.

This will have zero "loader" shit, and zero problems loading anywhere, whether it's api or an ethscription user page.

<script src="/ethscriptions/0x1234/content" data-foo="bar" data-seed="2677433799"></script>

There's just no other way than just standardize across the board.

tunnckoCore commented 1 month ago

@RogerPodacter poke.

Just finally wrote it.

tunnckoCore commented 1 month ago

I don't think they have such wide-spread support for the inscription's metadata, but it's definitely useful to have access to in/ethscription metadata, that will be our extra.

The proposal is to have the same in Ethscriptions:

Rooting for /content because it's actually the content, data sucks especially if we enforce /metadata too 😅

The /metadata is what we usually have in GET in REST endpoints, but we need it added because it should be accessible through non-APIs too.

Another approach of all that is to support Accept headers. Like if user navigates to /ethscription/12 that's a normal request with */* type; if a dev sends request to the same but with accept header application/json type, the server responds with json metadata...

... but that's a lot more clunky and implicit.

tunnckoCore commented 1 month ago

@RogerPodacter bump

RogerPodacter commented 4 weeks ago

From your links it doesn't seem like there is an eco-system wide convention in Ordinals, but rather that everyone uses the Ord indexer for recursion and it has a certain URL scheme.

If this is the case, why not do the same thing with the Ethscriptions Indexer: use it and design around its URL scheme?

tunnckoCore commented 4 weeks ago


  1. It is a convention, whether enforced by use of a same indexer, or not; it's fact. Sure, it's kinda enforced because their indexer has HTTP API exposed.
  2. It's a lot simpler and better, and without any code changes & requirements, to be a convention.
  3. Could be good to be tied to the indexer, but that would be the case if everyone runs it - which isn't the case, plus being just a ESIP convention allows for other type of indexers to exists and comply. That's similar to Ethereum's "client diversity".
  4. Even just the basic thing: it's not a code thing, why complicate it when it can be as simple as that.
  5. If it's tied to the indexer, and require certain HTTP API, we then have to specify a lot more things than just these 2-3 endpoints, and the response formats. It's unnecessary hand-cuffing.
tunnckoCore commented 4 weeks ago

The current smallest possible "loader", that tries to load from a bunch of different endpoints, is 464 bytes - A) why users should pay for it, B) it's a dozen of requests actually hurting performance of loading, C) it's always better to just rely on the native built-ins, like dynamic import - even that importEthscription with the dynamic import in it won't be needed and i'll re-ethscribe, it's there and i'm passing it down to other modules just because there's no other way.
