ethul / purescript-angular

AngularJS 1.2 bindings for PureScript (currently in the experimental stage)
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Ideas for functions pertaining to PromiseEff #18

Closed ethul closed 9 years ago

ethul commented 9 years ago

PromiseEff e e a b -> Eff e (Promise a b)

dylex commented 9 years ago

While playing with this I realized that PromiseEff has kind of unexpected semantics: because of the way thenEffFn is defined, any binding of a PromiseEff immediately runs the effect, rather than resulting in a new composed effect. That is, p >>= pure is equivalent (in effect and type) to promiseEff (unsafeRunPromiseEff p). I'm not sure whether this was intentional, but it seems confusing: a PromiseEff runs the effect as soon as the promise resolves, only if something was done with the result.

I'm not sure it's possible to write thenEffFn in the expected way because using b -> PromiseEff e f a c simultaneously needs to immediately obtain the promise for angular, and not actually provide b until the effect is evaluated.

All this makes me wonder if trying to expose a promise interface is really the right approach. Maybe it would make more sense to immediately convert the promises to ContT or something and work with them that way. Alternatively, Promises (like event Handler) could just always contain and execute effects on resolution (making Promise a special case of PromiseEff rather than the other way around).

ethul commented 9 years ago

I think you make a good point. Perhaps simplifying the promise represention is the way to go. I kind of think that it would be good to maintain the API of promises; i.e., just having the functions then, catch, finally and removing pureResolve, pureReject, PromiseEff, and the typeclass instances.

And then, as you suggest, provide a way to convert a promise to ContT. It might be nice if the user had the option to use the functions like then, or go the ContT route. This way it's up to them.

I just took a quick look, but it could be similar to how purescript-json-ajax works. I can spend more time on this over the weekend, but if you have anything started on this, it would be great to collaborate.

Also, I am open to your second proposal of making promises a special case of PromiseEff, but I am sort of leaning toward ContT since I think it might simplify the library code. But if you have any other ideas on this, I am up for discussing further.

dylex commented 9 years ago

I don't have much yet but just exploring some options (currently with terrible names). One problem with leaving promises behind is making sure the angular digest cycle gets invoked (which perhaps could be solved by making a custom ContT that wraps continuations in $apply calls). Leaving the vanilla Promise API does seem reasonable.

I did have an unrelated simpler idea for eliminating pureResolve which I'll put on #20.

ethul commented 9 years ago

I think your code is looking good. Good point about the digest. In order to wrap the continuation in $apply we'd have to include a $scope in the mix.

Just to put another idea on the table, I suppose the bare-bones option would be to only provide the vanilla Promise API and nothing else. In this case, custom ContT implementations or new data types could live in add-on libs.

I am not suggesting we should go this route; because frankly, I am not sure what the best option is. However, we could decide that purescript-angular is just a direct mapping of AngularJS to PureScript. Or maybe not. Still unsure.

ethul commented 9 years ago

Closing this for now as #23 has been merged. We can reopen or continue discussion on a new issue if we want to brainstorm on this topic again.