ethz-asl / ethzasl_ptam

Modified version of Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM)
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Issues with camera #75

Open anuragajay opened 9 years ago

anuragajay commented 9 years ago

When I run PTAM, I am not able to see entire image of camera and only see a small area around around corner of image. My camera calibration settings seems to be right. Can anyone help with the issue? I am attaching the photo. The colored photo on the left is actual image being published and ptam window shows the image seen by ptam. screenshot from 2015-08-18 00 47 09

fickrie67 commented 9 years ago

Hello, i got the same problem, does anybody know what is the problem with this video output? screenshot from 2015-09-03 09 51 22

kazuya-iwami commented 9 years ago

In ptam.launch, set monochrome image (not color) as following.

<launch> <node name="ptam" pkg="ptam" type="ptam" clear_params="true" output="screen"> <remap from="image" to="/image_mono" /> ←HERE <remap from="pose" to="pose"/> <rosparam file="$(find ptam)/PtamFixParams.yaml"/> </node> </launch>

To convert color to monochrome, I used image_proc.

Using color image, I got the same problem.

fickrie67 commented 8 years ago

@kazuya-iwami hei thank you very much! now it is working as you said :+1:

walkeryu123 commented 8 years ago

I am a newer to ROS, I meet the same problem, can you tell me how to change the video captured by usb_cam to monochrome through image_proc, I really do not know how to use the image_proc. thank you!

jaejunlee0538 commented 8 years ago

I used UEye-1220LE camera and I've been suffered from the same problem. After changing the output image format to MONO16, it started working nicely. If you are running the camera from nodelets.launch file in ueye package, you can do it by changing the color parameter in nodelets.launch

<arg name="color" default="6" /> to <arg name="color" default="1" />

walkeryu123 commented 8 years ago

that is very useful, thank you