ethz-asl / ethzasl_sensor_fusion

time delay single and multi sensor fusion framework based on an EKF
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ethzasl_sensor_fusion ... no output data #33

Open bilelxlab opened 9 years ago

bilelxlab commented 9 years ago

Hello, we got a disturbing problem here. We've set up ethzasl_ptam and asctec_mav_framework to use it on our pelican with ethzasl_sensor_fusion.

-ptam delivere the expected data (/vslam/pose). -mav_framework dont give any data when i rostopic echo /fcu/ekf_state_out when i launch : rosrun asctec_hl_interface plot_position_input i have zero on all the graphs and it doesnt change if i move the pelican (/vslm/pose is well remapped and the data exists !!) image1

the sensor_fusion initialisation is good and there are no errors but the sensor_fusion dont deliver any data on the output. Neither on /fcu/ekf_state_in nor on /ssf_core/pose. Echo call stays empty.

We also configured the parameter files like described in the tutorial.

the remap we did on sensor_fusion launch file : remap from="/pose_measurement" to="/vslam/pose"/ remap from="/hl_state_input" to="/fcu/ekf_state_out"/ the remap we did on fcu.aunch file : remap from="/fcu/pose" to="/vslam/pose"/ remap from="/fcu/ekf_state_in" to="/correction"/

we made all the changes indicated on the tutorials except (5.2.2 Changing the RX Buffer Behaviour)

Can anybody tell us whats the problem? We attached our rqt_graph. rosgraph7

bilelxlab commented 9 years ago

Hello again ... we noticed something weird when we rostopic echo /fcu/status : header: seq: 816 stamp: secs: 1421166494 nsecs: 902796030 frame_id: fcu battery_voltage: 11.5699996948 flight_mode_ll: Height state_estimation: off <-------------------------- on my fcu_parameters.yaml i have (HighLevel_EKF) position_control: off <-------------------------- on my fcu_parameters.yaml i have (HighLevel) serial_interface_enabled: True serial_interface_active: False flight_time: 0.0 cpu_load: 49.0 motor_status: off gps_status: GPS no fix gps_num_satellites: 0 debug1: 0 debug2: 0 have_SSDK_parameters: True tx_packets: 21337 tx_packets_good: 21337 rx_packets: 29658 rx_packets_good: 29658 timesync_offset: 5.4000000091e-05

even when i try to change the values using rqt_reconfigure the values dont change !!! in rostopic echo /fcu/status

do you know what is the problem ?