ethz-asl / ethzasl_sensor_fusion

time delay single and multi sensor fusion framework based on an EKF
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IMU and Sensor Coordinates confusion #37

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hello im working on the asctec pelican for ly thesis im trying to implement the ethzasl_sensor_fusion in the pelican . I have gone through the tutorial From the asctec website the coordinate frames of the pelican IMU are

68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f363036323735372f313634323631372f38313666366137632d353839302d313165332d383062322d6439666431636661663335362e706e67 Which give the configuration as follows img_20150429_180710

Im running ethzasl_ptam and rostopic echo/vslam/pose_world gives selection_002 where as rostopic echo /fcu/imu gives selection_003

my imu Z axis seems to be parallel to the ptam's Z axis the ptams Y_axis is parallel to the above cameras Z_Axis(pointing out the lens) the ptams X_axis is perpendicular to the above cameras Z_Axis(pointing out the lens)

I have read all the previous discussions but still unable to deduce how can i find

how can in compute the q_ci, . form this information? How to compute the quaternions p_ci and q_wv ?

I am sorry if my questions r too intuitaive / basic.

Thanks Farhan

stephanweiss commented 9 years ago


for q_wv: if you initialize PTAM over a horizontal plane then q_wv is the unit quaternion. Use this setup first to eliminate any error sources coming from a potentially wrong q_wv. In case the PTAM map (i.e. the grid that is displayed in the remote_ptam view or PTAM gui) is inclined you need to find the azimuth and elevation angle with respect to the gravity vector (e.g. by using the accelerometer reading in hover mode and the current PTAM attitude measurement).

for q_ci: in the above image, the device you denoted as IMU is in fact the magnetometer. The axis of the pelican are different: x is "foreward" (i.e. your x_imu I think), y is then to the left, and z is up. To verify, place the UAV such that the accelerometer only ready +9.81 on one single axis (zero on the other two), the side of the UAV that is pointing "up" in this configuration is then the positive direction of the axis that shows +9.81. If I am not mistaken, the cameras coordinate system is as follows: +x is towards the small multi-pin connector, +y is towards the mini USB connector and +z is out of the lens. With this you can find the transformation between IMU and cam.

If all fails you might want to try the following:

hope that helps.

best, Stephan

ghost commented 9 years ago

Thanks Stephan

I am following the tutorial to set up SFlay and connected the SFly Network as follows


The problem is in the fcu_parameter.launch file when i set fcu/packet rate ekf state : 100 i get a lot of checksum erros with the mentioned baud rate of 460800 selection_006

and the pose filter diplays selection_005

but when in decrease packet rate ekf to 10 to 20 its okay

kindly suggest if i need to reconfigure the serial port as defined in the master mind bringup ros page (which i followed). or need to decrease some other parameters.

Thanks Farhan

stephanweiss commented 9 years ago

Farhan, please try a lower baud rate first (e.g. 115200 should be sufficient for 100Hz transmission). Also set all other topic transmissions to 1 or 0Hz (in the dynamic reconfigure in the fcu node)

Let me know if that works

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi Stephan I managed to modify the fcu_parameters.launch file as fcu/serial_port: /dev/ttyS2 fcu/baudrate: 115200 fcu/frame_id: fcu fcu/packet_rate_imu: 0.0 fcu/packet_rate_rc: 0.0 fcu/packet_rate_gps: 0.0 fcu/packet_rate_ssdk_debug: 0.0 fcu/packet_rate_ekf_state: 100.0 fcu/packet_rate_msg: 1.0 fcu/max_velocity_xy: 2.0 fcu/max_velocity_z: 2.0

fcu/state_estimation: HighLevel_EKF fcu/position_control: HighLevel fcu/battery_warning: 10.8

This time i get checksum errors at a low frequency then before like after 5 to 10 seconds Q1. how can i eliminate them? My rqt_graph now look like current_rqt

iv initialized the pose sensor and im getting values on /ssf_core/pose Q2 iv initialised lemda = PTAM(hight)/hight(matric). is PTAM height the value of Z position /vslam/pose/pose/position/z which is in meters? and hight(matric) is the measured heght form the gournd (since pelican is on the ground )to the pelican IMU(autopilot) or to the camera?

Q3. how can i plot the evolution of the q_ci state ?

Thanks Regards Farhan

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi Stephan rostopic echo /fcu/ekf_state_in gives all the values as zeros but i have covariences, is this okay? just for reference pose_sensor_launch looks like

``` ```

and pose_sensor_fix.yaml is scale_init: 1 fixed_scale: 0 fixed_bias: 0 noise_acc: 0.083 noise_accbias: 0.0083 noise_gyr: 0.0013 noise_gyrbias: 0.00013 noise_scale: 0.0 noise_qwv: 0.0 noise_qci: 0.0 noise_pic: 0.0 delay: 0.02 meas_noise1: 0.01 meas_noise2: 0.02

data_playback: False

initialization of camera w.r.t. IMU

init/q_ci/w: 0.0 init/q_ci/x: 0.9239 init/q_ci/y: 0.3827 init/q_ci/z: 0.0

init/p_ci/x: 0.0
init/p_ci/y: 0.0 init/p_ci/z: 0.0

initialization of world w.r.t. vision

init/q_wv/w: 1.0 init/q_wv/x: 0.0 init/q_wv/y: 0.0 init/q_wv/z: 0.0

use_fixed_covariance: False measurement_world_sensor: False # selects if sensor measures its position w.r.t. world (true, e.g. Vicon) or the position of the world coordinate system w.r.t. the sensor (false, e.g. ethzasl_ptam)

i hope im not remapping wrong topics. !!

Thanks Farhan

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi stephan thanks for your help ! I have managed to remove the checksum errors by restoring the ubunto mastermind recovery image and configuring the fcu_parametes as

fcu/serial_port: /dev/ttyS2 fcu/baudrate: 115200 fcu/frame_id: fcu fcu/packet_rate_imu: 5.0 fcu/packet_rate_rc: 1.0 fcu/packet_rate_gps: 0.0 fcu/packet_rate_ssdk_debug: 1.0 fcu/packet_rate_ekf_state: 100.0 fcu/packet_rate_mag: 50.0 fcu/max_velocity_xy: 2.0 fcu/max_velocity_z: 2.0 fcu/state_estimation: HighLevel_EKF fcu/position_control: HighLevel fcu/battery_warning: 10.8

ans i have configured the pose_sensor_fix.ymal as

initialization of camera w.r.t. IMU

init/q_ci/w: 1.0 init/q_ci/x: 0.9329 init/q_ci/y: 0.3827 init/q_ci/z: 0.0

init/p_ci/x: 0.0
init/p_ci/y: 0.0 init/p_ci/z: 0.0

initialization of world w.r.t. vision

init/q_wv/w: 0.0 init/q_wv/x: 0.0 init/q_wv/y: 0.0 init/q_wv/z: 1.0

and remapped the topic as pose_sensor.launch as

    <remap from="ssf_core/correction" to="/fcu/ekf_state_in" />
    <remap from="ssf_core/pose_measurement" to="/vslam/pose" />

    <rosparam file="$(find ssf_updates)/pose_sensor_fix.yaml"/>

Now my questions are Q1 iv initialised lemda = PTAM(hight)/hight(matric). is PTAM height the value of Z position /vslam/pose/pose/pose/position/z which is in meters? and hight(matric) is the measured heght form the gournd (since pelican is on the ground )to the pelican IMU(autopilot) or to the camera? with lemda = 1 // i get fuzzy tracking

Q2 How can i plot the evolution of q_ci state ?

Q3 do i have to remap /ssf_core/pose to /fcu/pose for the Luemberger oberver? My qrt_graph is the same as above Thanks Farhan

simonlynen commented 9 years ago

@iamfarhan007 here are some answers: 1) yes, scale \lambda is the z-position of ptam divided by the z-position of the IMU. You should only get fuzzy tracking warnings if your camera-to-imu calibration is wrong of the ptam tracking is unstable. 2) the estimator outputs the state on a separate topic. You can see the existing plotting scripts how to access elements from this vector for plotting. 3) This should be described in the tutorial.