I am using an xsens MTi10 and I want to log data on ROS.
I am using ros melodic and ubuntu 18.
Here is my problem:
I use roscore and open another terminal to clone this driver and then I roslaunch the x_sens_driver.launch in order to get the nodes to publish the different topics. However, when I do that, I get the following error
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [xsens_driver/mtnode.py]: xsens_driver ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/melodic/share/ros ROS path [1]=/opt/ros/melodic/share
I am fairly new to ROS and I would like to know if I have forgotten anything before doing a roslaunch.
Any help is appreciated. Many Thanks!
Dear All,
I am using an xsens MTi10 and I want to log data on ROS. I am using ros melodic and ubuntu 18.
Here is my problem: I use roscore and open another terminal to clone this driver and then I roslaunch the x_sens_driver.launch in order to get the nodes to publish the different topics. However, when I do that, I get the following error
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [xsens_driver/mtnode.py]: xsens_driver ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/melodic/share/ros ROS path [1]=/opt/ros/melodic/share
I am fairly new to ROS and I would like to know if I have forgotten anything before doing a roslaunch. Any help is appreciated. Many Thanks!