ethz-asl / ethzasl_xsens_driver

Driver for xsens IMUs
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
102 stars 111 forks source link

Migration to ROS 2 (Humble) #121

Open simonpierredeschenes opened 2 years ago

simonpierredeschenes commented 2 years ago

The code was converted to Python 3 and was migrated to ROS 2 (Humble). We tried to keep everything as similar as possible to what was there and we updated the CHANGELOG.rst, README and mainpage.dox files. We did not test this on multiple MTi devices unfortunately, because we don't own many different IMU models. This pull request has master as base branch because Github doesn't allow to set a new branch as base in a Pull Request. Ideally, someone with push permissions to the repository should create a new branch named humble to keep both the ROS 1 and ROS 2 versions of the driver available and set this new branch as the base for this Pull Request. We hope this will be useful to someone else!