I had a hard time getting this package to build and work but did it in a docker.
I'll share it here because it might spare somebody the pain that is building this package.
you can get it using
docker pull bedaberner/handeye:working_small
then start the container using
docker run -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" bedaberner/handeye:working
which enables x forwarding and shows the display during the extraction process
I had to excecute
xhost local:root
on my host system to enable the x forwarding though.
or you can just use
docker run -it bedaberner/handeye:working
to get the console
once you started the docker you have to source the workspace
source /ws/devel/setup.bash
then you can copy your files into the docker and follow the tutorial from the readme
This docker image works for me and i thought i would share it, I will not update or support it at all.
I had a hard time getting this package to build and work but did it in a docker. I'll share it here because it might spare somebody the pain that is building this package. you can get it using
then start the container using
which enables x forwarding and shows the display during the extraction process I had to excecute
on my host system to enable the x forwarding though.
or you can just use
to get the console
once you started the docker you have to source the workspace
then you can copy your files into the docker and follow the tutorial from the readme
This docker image works for me and i thought i would share it, I will not update or support it at all.