I am new to Kalibr. Yesterday, I ran two different calibration methods to calibrate my stereo camera with built-in IMU using the same bag file.
The outcome of camera baselines are differnt. One estimation by kalibr_calibrate_cameras is close to the camera spec (6cm), however, the result from kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera is 11cm. That is not reasonable.
Could anybody give a hint to sovle this issue. I will greatly appricate. Following is the commands I used and resuts.
Reprojection error (cam0): mean 20.3406304542, median 21.3975997685, std: 4.9424453469
Reprojection error (cam1): mean 20.7587335015, median 20.0094473571, std: 4.26173415853
Gyroscope error (imu0): mean 1.26781864517, median 1.11599698412, std: 0.916665181779
Accelerometer error (imu0): mean 1.12501488855, median 1.09159884222, std: 0.512601978485
Reprojection error (cam0) [px]: mean 20.3406304542, median 21.3975997685, std: 4.9424453469
Reprojection error (cam1) [px]: mean 20.7587335015, median 20.0094473571, std: 4.26173415853
Gyroscope error (imu0) [rad/s]: mean 0.0755390138638, median 0.066493194414, std: 0.0546166315968
Accelerometer error (imu0) [m/s^2]: mean 0.134060996163, median 0.130079014676, std: 0.061083575489
Hello All,
I am new to Kalibr. Yesterday, I ran two different calibration methods to calibrate my stereo camera with built-in IMU using the same bag file. The outcome of camera baselines are differnt. One estimation by kalibr_calibrate_cameras is close to the camera spec (6cm), however, the result from kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera is 11cm. That is not reasonable. Could anybody give a hint to sovle this issue. I will greatly appricate. Following is the commands I used and resuts.
1) kalibr_calibrate_cameras --bag 2017-10-25-23-07-52.bag --bag-from-to 4 9 --topics /stereo/left/image_raw /stereo/right/image_raw --models radtan radtan --target target.yaml 2) kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --target target.yaml --cam camchain.yaml --imu imu0.yaml --bag 2017-10-25-23-07-52.bag --bag-from-to 4 9
1)"kalibr_calibrate_cameras" Calibration results
Camera-system parameters:
2)"kalibr_calibrate_imu_cameras" Calibration results
Normalized Residuals
Reprojection error (cam0): mean 20.3406304542, median 21.3975997685, std: 4.9424453469 Reprojection error (cam1): mean 20.7587335015, median 20.0094473571, std: 4.26173415853 Gyroscope error (imu0): mean 1.26781864517, median 1.11599698412, std: 0.916665181779 Accelerometer error (imu0): mean 1.12501488855, median 1.09159884222, std: 0.512601978485
Reprojection error (cam0) [px]: mean 20.3406304542, median 21.3975997685, std: 4.9424453469 Reprojection error (cam1) [px]: mean 20.7587335015, median 20.0094473571, std: 4.26173415853 Gyroscope error (imu0) [rad/s]: mean 0.0755390138638, median 0.066493194414, std: 0.0546166315968 Accelerometer error (imu0) [m/s^2]: mean 0.134060996163, median 0.130079014676, std: 0.061083575489
Transformation (cam0):
T_ci: (imu0 to cam0): [[-0.09456731 0.99492168 0.03446566 0.02660472] [-0.99547097 -0.09484432 0.00648929 0.03579494] [ 0.00972521 -0.03369589 0.99938481 0.0105476 ] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
T_ic: (cam0 to imu0): [[-0.09456731 -0.99547097 0.00972521 0.03804618] [ 0.99492168 -0.09484432 -0.03369589 -0.02271926] [ 0.03446566 0.00648929 0.99938481 -0.01169034] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
timeshift cam0 to imu0: [s] (t_imu = t_cam + shift) 0.0
Transformation (cam1):
T_ci: (imu0 to cam1): [[-0.09667503 0.99456145 0.0387486 -0.08331105] [-0.99507375 -0.09743712 0.01828228 0.03631671] [ 0.0219584 -0.03679028 0.99908173 0.00936346] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
T_ic: (cam1 to imu0): [[-0.09667503 -0.99507375 0.0219584 0.0278781 ] [ 0.99456145 -0.09743712 -0.03679028 0.08674104] [ 0.0387486 0.01828228 0.99908173 -0.00679062] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
timeshift cam1 to imu0: [s] (t_imu = t_cam + shift) 0.0
Baseline (cam0 to cam1): [[ 0.99998854 0.00216014 0.00427195 -0.11003785] [-0.00221074 0.99992702 0.01187697 0.00045792] [-0.00424598 -0.01188627 0.99992034 -0.00064487] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]] baseline norm: 0.110040692385 [m]
Gravity vector in target coords: [m/s^2] [ 0.86302785 -9.14407545 -3.43649385]
Calibration configuration
Camera model: pinhole Focal length: [711.963634284882, 711.963634284882] Principal point: [374.86409066481804, 244.78405571004106] Distortion model: radtan Distortion coefficients: [0.07888409273935, -0.11353901155482328, -0.0004560888399720081, 8.736957158911675e-05] Type: aprilgrid Tags: Rows: 6 Cols: 6 Size: 0.055 [m] Spacing 0.0165 [m]
Camera model: pinhole Focal length: [711.963634284882, 711.963634284882] Principal point: [372.5024610181662, 236.71572961443084] Distortion model: radtan Distortion coefficients: [0.08185918506773818, -0.12296212768690189, -0.0022227781335232093, 0.0006978538097984978] Type: aprilgrid Tags: Rows: 6 Cols: 6 Size: 0.055 [m] Spacing 0.0165 [m]
IMU configuration
Model: calibrated Update rate: 142.0 Accelerometer: Noise density: 0.01 Noise density (discrete): 0.119163752878 Random walk: 0.0002 Gyroscope: Noise density: 0.005 Noise density (discrete): 0.0595818764391 Random walk: 4e-06 T_i_b [[ 1. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 1.]] time offset with respect to IMU0: 0.0 [s]