ethz-asl / kalibr

The Kalibr visual-inertial calibration toolbox
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Wrong estimated translation IMU-Camera #572

Open ClementLeBihan opened 1 year ago

ClementLeBihan commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to use IMU-Camera calibration between a UEye UI3240CP and UM7 IMU.

I did a good Intrinsic Calibration parameters with a sub-pixel reprojection RMS. I did a 12h of IMU recording to estimate bias, here are two figures from allan_variance_ros : acceleration gyro

Unfortunately, I can't get good results with Kalibr for IMU-Camera Calibration.

Indeed, I have a level arm of 12cm between Camera and IMU but result translation is close to 0,0,0 ...

Here is the command line I use : rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag rosbag_000001.bag --target aprilgrid.yaml --cam camchain.yaml --imu imu.yaml --imu-models scale-misalignment --show-extraction

And here are my yamls : camchain.yaml

  cam_overlaps: []
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [0.29665162646592214, 0.06042783488851961, 0.5814308428904732, -0.4550030580145748]
  distortion_model: equidistant
  intrinsics: [688.9112698415202, 689.049973999756, 617.554356150484, 302.06123179300414]
  resolution: [1280, 720]
  rostopic: UEye_UI324xCPToROSBagWriter


accelerometer_noise_density: 0.0201624850563659 
accelerometer_random_walk: 7.127014383713606e-04 

gyroscope_noise_density: 0.019735765077994756 
gyroscope_random_walk: 2.7485669500228047e-05 

rostopic: 'UM7SensorToROSBagWriter' #Make sure this is correct
update_rate: 87 #Make sure this is correct

I have a nice reprojection error (bellow 1px) : Screenshot from 2022-10-06 11-28-39

But a translation between IMU and Camera that is far from the groundtruth ~12cm :

[[-0.9988536 -0.00766374 0.04725203 -0.00003048]
[ 0.00948282 -0.99921768 0.03839414 0.00005977]
[ 0.04692082 0.03879821 0.99814485 -0.00004503]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1.]]

Attached is the pdf report and here a link to the video of the rosbag I did : I hope someone will be able to help me :)

Thank you, Clément


goldbattle commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was unable to download you bag.

ClementLeBihan commented 1 year ago

Hi @goldbattle, here is a link to download the bag :

Best, Clément

CongUcas commented 1 year ago

Hi @goldbattle, here is a link to download the bag :

Best, Clément

I also want to need your bag file since I met the same problem using my bag which was recorded in my office. I would like to compare them maybe I can find some valuable infomation. However the file fails to be downloaded.

ericdonatyy commented 1 year ago

I am also facing the same problem. how was this problem solved?