ethz-asl / kalibr

The Kalibr visual-inertial calibration toolbox
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New Automatic Build and Push Actions #670

Open mandulaj opened 5 months ago

mandulaj commented 5 months ago

The workflows have been rewritten to be slightly more modular.

There is still the test build action in docker_build.yaml which builds Kalibr in Ubuntu 16,18 and 20 and is triggered by any PR just like the old Build Actions.

There is also a new push action in docker_push.yaml which builds and pushes the images to a registry. Currently, it builds both an amd64 as well as arm64 versions. This can easily be configured.

At the moment it is pushed to my personal Docker Hub however, this can also easily be changed by modifying the DOCKER_HUB_REPOSITORY repository variable. Probably would be nice to have an ethz-asl or Kalibr Docker hub or use the GitHub Container Registry.

The Push is only triggered by making a Release. I have noticed that Kalibr doesn't make releases, so this can easily be changed by triggering on a push to master.

All in all, this makes using Kalibr very simple without the need to compile anything: docker run -it -vpwd:/pwd mandulaj/kalibr:20.04

Or one can easily base their Dockerfile environments like this:

FROM mandulaj/kalibr:20.04

RUN ....

This is for sure work in progress, however, would be nice to integrate it.

We can for sure discuss modifying the final Registry location and form factor or adding some kind of Image versioning (although Kalibr doesn't really follow any versioning scheme).

mandulaj commented 2 months ago

Any update on this? I had quite a few requests about why my personal docker hub mandulaj/kalibr:20.04 is not linked in this repository.....

goldbattle commented 1 month ago

Sorry, have not had the bandwidth to look at. I think the changes are good and like the matrix use in the yamls. Next month I should be a bit more free so plan to take a look and also figure out how to get things setup officially. I really appreciate the effort.

mandulaj commented 1 month ago

If you are very busy @goldbattle, let me know if you need any help with setting things up :wink: