ethz-asl / lidar_align

A simple method for finding the extrinsic calibration between a 3D lidar and a 6-dof pose sensor
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Confusion about Odom data #33

Open FelicxFoster opened 3 years ago

FelicxFoster commented 3 years ago

Hi, @ZacharyTaylor. Thanks for your open source I got a problem about the Odom message we need to load in the function loadTformFromROSBAG(). Does translation field in geometry_msgs/TransformStamped message in ROS mean the GPS position? like the following picture odom数据 but in the example.bag you provided, the translation is too samll, such as example_odom I use my dataset to calibrate and I got the bad result, and different results on one dataset. Is there something wrong with my data? Thanks.

LarryDong commented 3 years ago

Hi I think the TransformStamped should be in "meter", which is 0 at the beginning. Not GPS. You could minus the offset (at the beginning) from you GPS data.

FelicxFoster commented 3 years ago

@LarryDong Thanks for your reply. I will try. Could you share your dataset? I want to compare the difference of my dataset, which has the bad result for calibration.

LarryDong commented 3 years ago

@FelicxFoster Check the data from the author here.

FelicxFoster commented 3 years ago

@LarryDong yeah, I have tried the author's data. However, I don't think is a good example, like author said its just he holding the lidar and randomly waving it around. So I hope you could share your data if you have, thanks.

LarryDong commented 3 years ago

@FelicxFoster Sorry that I do not have a record.