ethz-asl / lidar_align

A simple method for finding the extrinsic calibration between a 3D lidar and a 6-dof pose sensor
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About the code segment controlled by the estimate_point_times parameter #42

Open SenHe524 opened 11 months ago

SenHe524 commented 11 months ago

The code is as follows:

 if (config.estimate_point_times) {
      // 100000 * 600 / pi
      const double timing_factor = 19098593.171 / config.lidar_rpm;
      const double angle = std::atan2(point.x, point.y);
      // cut out wrap zone
      if (std::abs(angle) > 3.0) {
      store_point.intensity = angle * timing_factor;
      if (!config.clockwise_lidar) {
        store_point.intensity *= -1.0;

I would like to ask the author and friends, how should I understand this code? @ZacharyTaylor