I am on ROS Kinetic, and am trying to use the rotors-simulation package for some of my experiments. Initially, I am using the mav_trajectory_generation package to generate a trajectory through the desired points, and publishing this trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory message on a topic. Then, I am making use of the mav_control_rw package, and specifically the non linear controller provided in that package to make my hummingbird UAV go through the desired points. But when I run the mav_nonlinear_mpc_sim.launch file, my UAV does not take off, and the rotors keep rotating. When I echo the /hummingbird/command/motor_speed topic, I notice that the motor speeds are around 400, which dosent seem to be sufficient to fly the UAV.
I am not able to resolve this issue. Any help from you guys will be greatly appreciated.
I am on ROS Kinetic, and am trying to use the rotors-simulation package for some of my experiments. Initially, I am using the mav_trajectory_generation package to generate a trajectory through the desired points, and publishing this trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory message on a topic. Then, I am making use of the mav_control_rw package, and specifically the non linear controller provided in that package to make my hummingbird UAV go through the desired points. But when I run the mav_nonlinear_mpc_sim.launch file, my UAV does not take off, and the rotors keep rotating. When I echo the /hummingbird/command/motor_speed topic, I notice that the motor speeds are around 400, which dosent seem to be sufficient to fly the UAV.
I am not able to resolve this issue. Any help from you guys will be greatly appreciated.