Thank u for the wonderful repo, I tried to build roslaunch voxblox_rrt_planner rrt_saved_map.launch ,however got a message in this part:
Layer type of the loaded map is: esdf but the current map is: tsdf check passed? 0
setting /run_id to 530f3164-d87e-11eb-bb73-000c291b6303
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [128209]
started core service [/rosout]
process[voxblox_rrt_planner-2]: started with pid [128224]
I0629 10:04:24.996420 128224] Successfully loaded TSDF layer.
W0629 10:04:24.996757 128224 layer_inl.h:245] Voxel size of the loaded map is: 0.1 but the current map is: 0.1 check passed? 1
VPS of the loaded map is: 16 but the current map is: 16 check passed? 1
Layer type of the loaded map is: esdf but the current map is: tsdf check passed? 0
Are the maps using the same floating-point type? 1
[ INFO] [1624932265.308767681]: Size: 0.100000 VPS: 16
[ INFO] [1624932265.576534380]: Mesh Timings:
SM Timing
Thank u for the wonderful repo, I tried to build roslaunch voxblox_rrt_planner rrt_saved_map.launch ,however got a message in this part: Layer type of the loaded map is: esdf but the current map is: tsdf check passed? 0
setting /run_id to 530f3164-d87e-11eb-bb73-000c291b6303 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [128209] started core service [/rosout] process[voxblox_rrt_planner-2]: started with pid [128224] I0629 10:04:24.996420 128224] Successfully loaded TSDF layer. W0629 10:04:24.996757 128224 layer_inl.h:245] Voxel size of the loaded map is: 0.1 but the current map is: 0.1 check passed? 1 VPS of the loaded map is: 16 but the current map is: 16 check passed? 1 Layer type of the loaded map is: esdf but the current map is: tsdf check passed? 0 Are the maps using the same floating-point type? 1 [ INFO] [1624932265.308767681]: Size: 0.100000 VPS: 16 [ INFO] [1624932265.576534380]: Mesh Timings: SM Timing
mesh/generate 1 00.202106 (00.202106 +- 00.000000) [00.202106,00.202106] mesh/publish 1 00.028598 (00.028598 +- 00.000000) [00.028598,00.028598]