ethz-asl / nbvplanner

A real-time capable exploration and inspection path planner (next best view planning)
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ParseCommandLineFlags #12

Closed LAR-UFSC closed 7 years ago

LAR-UFSC commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to install the package in the Ubuntu 16.04 - ROS kinetic. But when I tried the catkin build didn't works, then I done catkin-make as I used for others packages (like StructuralInspectionPlanner) it starts to compile but in the end have an error

'/catkin_ws/src/nbvplanner/volumetric_mapping/octomap_world/src/ error: ‘ParseCommandLineFlags’ is not a member of ‘google’ '

How can I fixed this error ? Has anyone have this problem ?


LAR-UFSC commented 7 years ago

Is just add a line

include <gflags/gflags.h>

Then the catkin_make works.