ethz-asl / nbvplanner

A real-time capable exploration and inspection path planner (next best view planning)
342 stars 120 forks source link

No gain found, shutting down | Planner not reachable #21

Open tiralonghipol opened 6 years ago

tiralonghipol commented 6 years ago

Hi. After having explored all the area, the firefly stops middle air, reporting "Planner not reachable" in the terminal. Is there any way to make the drone come back to the starting point ?

birchera commented 6 years ago

In the demo example the planner terminates after the exploration. You would need to implement a return to launch feature.

tiralonghipol commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the reply. Another thing: once the map is done and saved, is there any way to re-use it (maybe with another trajectory planner?) without 're-explore ' it ? To be clear: with the first exploration the drone knows the map, and with a second fly it navigate into it.

birchera commented 6 years ago

Yes, the map is based on the octomap package and that supports both saving to and loading from binary files. So you could certainly save it after the exploration for later.