ethz-asl / nbvplanner

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interface_nbvp_rotors flat_exploration.launch failed due to .gazebo files #24

Open glennliu opened 5 years ago

glennliu commented 5 years ago


I'm using branch 'devel/voxblox' to do simulation. In launch flat_exploration.launch,

xacro:Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing! To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order. For more infos, see No such file or directory: /home/lch/code_ws/nvbplanner_ws/src/nbvplanner/rotors/rotors_description/urdf/mav_generic_odometry_sensor.gazebo None None when processing file: /home/lch/code_ws/nvbplanner_ws/src/nbvplanner/rotors/rotors_description/urdf/mav_with_vi_sensor.gazebo while processing /home/lch/code_ws/nvbplanner_ws/src/nbvplanner/interface_nbvp_rotors/launch/mav_inspector.launch: while processing /home/lch/code_ws/nvbplanner_ws/src/nbvplanner/rotors/rotors_gazebo/launch/spawn_mav.launch: Invalid tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [ /opt/ros/kinetic/share/xacro/ '/home/lch/code_ws/nvbplanner_ws/src/nbvplanner/rotors/rotors_description/urdf/mav_with_vi_sensor.gazebo' enable_logging:=false enable_ground_truth:=true enable_mavlink_interface:=false log_file:=firefly mav_name:=firefly] returned with code [2]. Param xml is The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

It seems that the program cannot find some .gazebo files. However, these files are included in 'master' branch of Rotor simulator here. So I manually added mav_with_vi_sensor.gazebo and mav_generic_odometry_sensor.gazebo to current branch, which is submodule branch under devel/voxblox. Then I launched flat_exploration.launch and there is strange errors shows as below, Screenshot from 2019-03-11 21-35-43

Maybe its caused by the confused branch? Any advice appreciated.
