ethz-asl / nbvplanner

A real-time capable exploration and inspection path planner (next best view planning)
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Planner not set up: Planner not ready! #25

Closed reyanshsolis closed 3 years ago

reyanshsolis commented 4 years ago

Screenshot from 2019-10-03 02-28-24

[ INFO] [1570051382.453454267, 0.050000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready. [ INFO] [1570051387.420208966, 5.010000000]: Starting the planner: Performing initialization motion [ INFO] [1570051399.430892708, 17.010000000]: Planning iteration 0 [ERROR] [1570051399.432372840, 17.010000000]: Planner not set up: Planner not ready!

I am using, Ubuntu 18.04, Ros-melodic, Gazebo9.

The package was having a few issue to build in ros-melodic, The issue related to rotors_simulator was solved by deleting /src/nbvplanner/rotors and cloning in from original repo. rotors_simulation and renaming to rotos, and added the missing files that I found additional in /src/nbvplanner/rotors

I tracked the issue to rotors/rotors_gazebo/launch/spawn_mav.launch but I am not able to solve it.

Also, some error came related to the \clock, so I used rosparam set /use_sim_time true , I also tried rosparam set use_sim_time false,
but the issue remains unresolved, when I tried to echo the rostopic/firefly/command/.. image

Related to this error : "Gazebo is Paused" I read somewhere on internet. How to unpause it ?

if anyone has faced this issue earlier, kindly help me

angelofioretto commented 4 years ago

Regarding the "Planner not set up: Planner not ready!" error I add <plugin name='ros_interface_plugin' filename=''/> in the .world file to resolve it