ethz-asl / rotors_simulator

RotorS is a UAV gazebo simulator
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Overflowing message queues #664

Open maxtamussino opened 3 years ago

maxtamussino commented 3 years ago


I've been trying to use the RotorS simulator for a university project. I used the proposed pre-setup virtual machine from the RotorS website, which uses Ubuntu 14.0.4 LTS and ROS indigo. The virtual machine contains the repositories _rotorssimulator (Version 2.0.1) and _mavcomm. For the basic setup, I additionally

To test this setup, i ran

catkin build and roslaunch rotors_gazebo mav_hovering_example.launch.

Everything works, the UAV hovers as expected.

Then, I downloaded the most recent release (Version 2.2.3) of _rotorssimulator and pulled the most recent version of _mavcomm. Now catkin build cannot build the project anymore, I subsequently resolved the build errors by additionally installing these missing packages:

sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev protobuf-compiler

I tested this setup again (also using catkin build followed by the hovering example), which resulted in very weird behaviour (see screenshot below). The simulation runs, but the message containing the target coordinates never arrives. Generally, no message whatsoever arrives, because all message queues seem to overflow right from the beginning. I included all log files.


Thank you in advance, Max


Note 1: In previous attempts (in separate VMs of course), I only experienced this error after including ethz-asl/mav_control_rw and all its dependencies in the build process. When I tried to delete all dependencies and _mav_controlrw again, the error persisted. So I tried a new VM and found the error to appear also without this additional repository.

Note 2: I also tried the same procedure but instead of downloading the 2.2.3 release, I just pulled the master branch. This lead to the same result.

Note 3: I cannot use ROS kinetic, as _mav_controlrw does only support ROS indigo.

loguna123 commented 2 years ago

Do you perhaps have solution to this? I know I have to manually specify the queue size to the msgs publish (in the code) to solve this issue but idk how to. Most of their msgs publish are in "ConnectGazeboToRosTopic.pb.h" which is not very flexible to edit.