ethz-asl / rovio

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process has died #117

Closed EricWebsmith closed 7 years ago

EricWebsmith commented 7 years ago

when I run "roslaunch rovio_rosbag_node.launch ", I see the two windows and the features are captured. However, the two windows disappear immediately, throwing the following exception:

process has died

I do not have an issue running "roslaunch rovio_node.launch". I saw the 3D screen with 3 axes. ...................error details..................

eric@eric-Spin-SP315-51:~/catkin_ws/src/rovio/launch$ roslaunch rovio_rosbag_node.launch ... logging to /home/eric/.ros/log/a1398f00-0e08-11e7-a232-000ec6cf37c6/roslaunch-eric-Spin-SP315-51-16979.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://eric-Spin-SP315-51:38205/



NODES / rovio (rovio/rovio_rosbag_loader)


core service [/rosout] found process[rovio-1]: started with pid [16997] Set Camera Matrix to: 458.654 0 367.215 0 457.296 248.375 0 0 1 Set distortion parameters (Radtan) to: k1(-0.283408), k2(0.0739591), k3(0), p1(0.00019359), p2(1.76187e-05) Testing Prediction ==== Test successful (8.23703e-08) ==== ==== Test successful (5.9316e-08) ==== Testing cameraOutputCF ==== Test successful (4.44089e-08) ==== Testing imuOutputCF ==== Test successful (7.9955e-09) ==== Testing attitudeToYprCF ==== Test successful (4.6604e-08) ==== Testing transformFeatureOutputCT ==== Test successful (1.0206e-08) ==== Testing LandmarkOutputImuCT ==== Test successful (3.57083e-08) ==== Testing FeatureOutputReadableCT ==== Test successful (1.21661e-08) ==== Testing pixelOutputCT (can sometimes exhibit large absolut errors due to the float precision) ==== Model jacInput Test failed: 74.0615 is larger than 1 at row 1(def_0) and col 0() ==== -72871.9 -72797.9 Testing zero velocity update ==== Test successful (3.04311e-10) ==== ==== Test successful (1.39778e-10) ==== Recording Storing output to: /home/eric/catkin_ws/src/rovio/launch/rovio/2017-03-21-09-26-18_25_4_6_1_0.bag -- Filter: Initializing using accel. measurement ... -- Filter: Initialized at t = 1403637130.5 init done [rovio-1] process has died [pid 16997, exit code -11, cmd /home/eric/catkin_ws/devel/lib/rovio/rovio_rosbag_loader name:=rovio log:=/home/eric/.ros/log/a1398f00-0e08-11e7-a232-000ec6cf37c6/rovio-1.log]. log file: /home/eric/.ros/log/a1398f00-0e08-11e7-a232-000ec6cf37c6/rovio-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done eric@eric-Spin-SP315-51:~/catkin_ws/src/rovio/launch$

EricWebsmith commented 7 years ago

I also post my steps of installation here:


1.Installed Ubuntu 16.04

2.Installed ROS kinetic

Followed this instruction:
In 1.4 chose the recommended approach: Desktop-Full Install: (Recommended)

3.Installed kindr(

Tried (installing from packages, failed) “sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-kindr-*” failed. 

error massage:

Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package ros-indigo-kindr- E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'ros-indigo-kindr-' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'ros-indigo-kindr-*'

So, I Installed it with cmake.

    In hindsight, I think I should have installed ROS-indigo instead of ROS-Kinetic

4.Installed lightweight_filtering

I have to clone it the ROVIO from so that I can use the command "git submodule update --init --recursive"

5.Installed catkin-tools (

6.try "catkin build"

7.Install without opengl scene -- Execute "catkin build rovio --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMAKE_SCENE=ON" put rovio folder to catkin workspace, build with error:

==========================================error massage start====================================

Errors << rovio:cmake /home/eric/catkin_ws/logs/rovio/build.cmake.001.log
CMake Error at /home/eric/catkin_ws/src/catkin/cmake/catkin_package.cmake:298 (message): catkin_package() absolute include dir '/home/eric/catkin_ws/devel/share/xmlrpcpp/cmake/../../../include/xmlrpcpp' does not exist Call Stack (most recent call first): /home/eric/catkin_ws/src/catkin/cmake/catkin_package.cmake:102 (_catkin_package) CMakeLists.txt:82 (catkin_package)

cd /home/eric/catkin_ws/build/rovio; catkin build --get-env rovio | catkin env -si /usr/bin/cmake /home/eric/catkin_ws/src/rovio --no-warn-unused-cli -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/eric/catkin_ws/devel/.private/rovio -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/eric/catkin_ws/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release; cd - ...............................................................................

============================================error massage end===================================

Copied the xmlrpcpp folder from the shared folder, run again, successed.
  1. Install with opengl scene just follow the instruction, successed.

  2. Source the bash because of the error: [rospack] Error: package 'rovio' not found Googled it found the solution :

    ROS settings

    source /catkin/devel/setup.bash

    I have to repeat step 9 every time I restart the computer.

  3. Create a rovio folder at bag folder reason:

bloesch commented 7 years ago

Two first thoughts:

EricWebsmith commented 7 years ago

yes, i used euroc datasets. and i have enough diskspace (200G)

bloesch commented 7 years ago

then maybe it is ROS-indigo which is causing the problem. you can also build in debug mode to get more information. also: do you install with or without the opengl scene? your comments are not clear above.

EricWebsmith commented 7 years ago

i installed ROS-kinetics, i installed with opengl scene. thanks. I think maybe i should install ROS-indigo and I am installing it.

bloesch commented 7 years ago

sry, I meant ROS-kinetic...

EricWebsmith commented 7 years ago

thanks, i am re-installing everything. will let you know the results.

EricWebsmith commented 7 years ago

i reinstalled from scrach with ubuntu 14.04 and ros-indigo. the problem solved.