A four option multiple true-false question type for moodle, as introduced by Krebs (1997). Kprime questions consist of an item stem and four corresponding statements or options.
After grading a quiz I noticed that the grading behaves not as expected - either when the attempt is auto-submitted after the time when the quiz is closed or when the student submits the quiz on time:
To reproduce the issue:
Create a quiz with a specified end time.
Create a kprime-Question with 4 items
Choose "subpoints" as the scoring method
Set default mark to 4
(optionally) use "shuffle answer statements"
Have a student take the quiz, but only answer n-1 items correctly and omit 1 item
Wait until the time for the quiz is over OR submit the answer on time
Review the attempt of the quiz as a teacher
(optional) re-grade the quiz
Expected result: The student is awarded n-1 (here: 3) points.
Actual result:
the students' question is labelled as "Not answered"
the grade is "Marked out of 4.00"
the feedback shows the correct checkmarks (for the correct answers) or across (for the omitted answer)
the resonse history (from the teacher's role) shows
"state not yet answered" with the datetime when the answer was submitted by the student
Attmept finished, Admin user, not answered
Re-grading the quiz automatically does not fix the missing points for the question.
Thank you for your indispensible plugin!
After grading a quiz I noticed that the grading behaves not as expected - either when the attempt is auto-submitted after the time when the quiz is closed or when the student submits the quiz on time: To reproduce the issue:
Expected result: The student is awarded n-1 (here: 3) points. Actual result:
Re-grading the quiz automatically does not fix the missing points for the question.