etianl / Trouser-Streak

A compilation of modules optimized for maximum grief. Featuring automated mountain building abilities! Many of the modules were not originally written by me, but have been modified. Check the Github for credits and updates!
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Kicked for "Illegal Characters in chat" after running AutoScoreboard, AutoTitle and AutoDisplay #39

Closed gatesbydude closed 1 week ago

gatesbydude commented 2 weeks ago

Kicked immediately after activating AutoScoreboard, AutoTitle and AutoDisplay for posting "illegal characters". Latest TrouserStreak ver. Meteor v0.5.7-2105

etianl commented 1 week ago

I have been doing some testing and I think your issue may be server-specific. I have not been able to trigger it myself yet

gatesbydude commented 1 week ago

Yeah in the end it was a user issue. one of my strings really had an illegal character