etiennebacher / prompter

Add tooltips in Shiny apps with hint.css
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Prevent changing display of target to inline-block #11

Closed bd-cameron-willden closed 10 months ago

bd-cameron-willden commented 10 months ago

Hello Etienne, would it be possible for this package function properly without changing the display style of the target UI element to be inline-block? I am attempting to use this package in an application and the UI inputs need to remain as blocks to display properly, otherwise they flex onto the same line if the window is wide enough, which does not look good. I turned this off by adding this to my own css file:

[class*=hint--] {


etiennebacher commented 10 months ago

Hi, do you have an example of the problem? I never had this

In any case, you already have a fix and it's only 3 lines of CSS so I'd rather not modify prompter for this. Thanks anyway for the report!