etmc / tmLQCD

tmLQCD is a freely available software suite providing a set of tools to be used in lattice QCD simulations. This is mainly a HMC implementation (including PHMC and RHMC) for Wilson, Wilson Clover and Wilson twisted mass fermions and inverter for different versions of the Dirac operator. The code is fully parallelised and ships with optimisations for various modern architectures, such as commodity PC clusters and the Blue Gene family.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issues with double-half solver on Meluxina when running a 32c64 lattice on 2 nodes #552

Open kostrzewa opened 1 year ago

kostrzewa commented 1 year ago
MultiShiftCG: Converged after 23 iterations
MultiShiftCG:  shift=0, 23 iterations, relative residual: iterated = 2.278744e-05
MultiShiftCG:  shift=1, 23 iterations, relative residual: iterated = 1.219643e-09
MultiShiftCG:  shift=2, 12 iterations, relative residual: iterated = 3.585718e-10
MultiShiftCG:  shift=3, 5 iterations, relative residual: iterated = 1.435186e-09
# QUDA: Refining shift 0: L2 residual inf / 3.162278e-11, heavy quark 0.000000e+00 / 0.000000e+00 (actual / requested)
# QUDA: WARNING: Exceeded maximum iterations 5000
# QUDA: CG: Convergence at 5000 iterations, L2 relative residual: iterated = 8.998338e-07, true = 8.998358e-07 (requested = 3.162278e-11)
# QUDA: Refining shift 1: L2 residual inf / 3.162278e-11, heavy quark 0.000000e+00 / 0.000000e+00 (actual / requested)
# QUDA: CG: Convergence at 11 iterations, L2 relative residual: iterated = 2.945487e-11, true = 2.945487e-11 (requested = 3.162278e-11)
# QUDA: Refining shift 2: L2 residual inf / 3.162278e-11, heavy quark 0.000000e+00 / 0.000000e+00 (actual / requested)
# QUDA: CG: Convergence at 5 iterations, L2 relative residual: iterated = 1.110539e-11, true = 1.110539e-11 (requested = 3.162278e-11)
# QUDA: Refining shift 3: L2 residual inf / 3.162278e-11, heavy quark 0.000000e+00 / 0.000000e+00 (actual / requested)
# QUDA: CG: Convergence at 2 iterations, L2 relative residual: iterated = 6.935647e-12, true = 6.935647e-12 (requested = 3.162278e-11)


# TM_QUDA: mu = 0.001500000000, kappa = 0.140064000000, csw = 1.740000000000
# TM_QUDA: Time for reorder_spinor_eo_toQuda 2.832787e-03 s level: 4 proc_id: 0 /HMC/cloverdetlight:cloverdet_derivative/solve_degenerate/invert_eo_degenerate_quda/reorder_spinor_eo_toQuda
WARNING: Exceeded maximum iterations 1500
CG: Convergence at 1500 iterations, L2 relative residual: iterated = 4.685995e-08, true = 4.686000e-08 (requested = 1.000000e-08)

which doesn't occur in other runs.

This is compiled with the following set of modules:

module load \
  OpenMPI/4.1.1-GCC-10.3.0 \
  CUDA/11.3.1 \
  CMake/3.20.4 \
  UCX-CUDA/1.10.0-GCCcore-10.3.0-CUDA-11.3.1 \
  flex/2.6.4-GCCcore-10.3.0 \
  OpenBLAS/0.3.15-GCC-10.3.0 \
  GCC/10.3.0 \
  Automake/1.16.3-GCCcore-10.3.0 \

and with QUDA configured as:

CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=znver2 -mtune=znver2 -mavx2 -mfma" \
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=znver2 -mtune=znver2 -mavx2 -mfma" \
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd)/install_dir" \

and tmLQCD configured as

CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx F77=f77 \
CFLAGS="-mtune=znver2 -march=znver2 -O3 -mavx2 -mfma -fopenmp  -m64" \
CXXFLAGS="-mtune=znver2 -march=znver2 -O3 -mavx2 -mfma -fopenmp  -m64" \
LDFLAGS="-fopenmp" \
~/code/tmLQCD-quda_work-fbd6808c/configure \
  --enable-quda_experimental \
  --enable-mpi \
  --enable-omp \
  --with-mpidimension=4 \
  --disable-sse2 --disable-sse3 \
  --with-qudadir=${quda_dir} \
  --with-cudadir=${CUDA_ROOT} \
  --with-limedir=$(pwd)/../lime/install_dir \
  --with-lemondir=$(pwd)/../lemon/install_dir \

I've seen issues like this previously on Marconi 100.