etn-ccis / blui-react-native-workflows

Re-usable Brightlayer UI workflows for React Native applications
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EmptyStateProps are not working in SuccessScreenBase component #418

Open ektaghag-eaton opened 1 month ago

ektaghag-eaton commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug / expected behavior

What are the steps to reproduce?

  1. Not able to access empty state props in the SuccessScreenBase component.
  2. Click on...

Screenshots / Screen recording

Code snippet / Link to minimum reproduction example


Your environment information

Suggested fix

We can add a new prop emptyStateProps and remove the icon, message and MessageTitle

export type SuccessScreenProps = WorkflowCardProps & {
     * Update main content
    emptyStateProps: EmptyStateProps;

     * The title of the success message
    messageTitle?: ReactNode;

     * The success message to be displayed on the screen
    message?: ReactNode;

     * To display label for the button
    dismissButtonLabel?: string;

     * The function to call when the dismiss button is clicked
    canDismiss?: boolean | (() => boolean);

     * The function to call when user clicks button
     * @returns {void}
    onDismiss?: () => void;

     * The configuration for customizing how errors are displayed
    errorDisplayConfig?: ErrorManagerProps;

Anything else to add?