etn-ccis / blui-react-native-workflows

Re-usable Brightlayer UI workflows for React Native applications
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Passing onChangeText in emailTextInputProps is not getting called #456

Open manojleaton opened 2 weeks ago

manojleaton commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug / expected behavior

What are the steps to reproduce?

  1. Pass onChangeText in emailTextInputProps in ForgotPasswordScreen and CreateAccountScreen
  2. Observe passed callback onChangeText function is not getting called

Screenshots / Screen recording

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 9 14 45 AM Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 9 14 27 AM

Code snippet / Link to minimum reproduction example

<ForgotPasswordScreen emailTextInputProps={{ onChangeText: () => console.log('test') }} />
<CreateAccountScreen emailTextFieldProps={{ onChangeText: () => console.log('test') }} />

Your environment information

Suggested fix

Anything else to add?