etotheipi / BitcoinArmory

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Creating Multiple Lockboxes With Same Public Keys Overwrites Previous Lockbox #252

Open btcll opened 9 years ago

btcll commented 9 years ago

Today I received 4 public keys from colleagues, plus my own public key. I wanted to setup two 3-of-5 Lockboxes using Armory.

The first Lockbox was created, shared, funded and spent with zero problems.

Then I tried to create a second Lockbox. Followed the same steps to Create the Lockbox (in Armory v 0.93.3-beta) and used a different Lockbox name but the same five public keys. BUT when I completed the creation process there wasn't a new wallet in my Lockboxes list. It turns out the new name had overwritten the name of the existing Lockbox.

I re-imported the original Lockbox so that's okay.

Then I tried again to create the second Lockbox. In place of my original Wallet I signed with the public key of a freshly generated Wallet and the second Lockbox created without issues. I could now see both separate Lockboxes in Armory.

I hope this is enough info to chase this bug down. Let me know if more info is needed and I will happily provide it.

JeffreyBytes commented 9 years ago

If you wish to have multiple lockboxes with the same users you should have your colleagues give you a different public key for each lockbox. They can use the same wallet, so it's the same password to sign the transactions, but it will be a different address/keypair for each lockbox.

I hope that helps.

The easiest way to implement this without having to ask for x number of public keys is to have them give you a watch only copy of the wallet they wish to use for the lockbox. This way you can use a different public key without having to ask for it each time a lockbox is created.

btcll commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the answer. This seems a bit complicated to me but I appreciate your answer. I will let you know if we have any problems with them providing their watch only copies of their wallets, but for now please consider this closed.