etotheipi / BitcoinArmory

Python-Based Bitcoin Software
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Paper wallet backup font scales to wider than paper width #342

Open carn1x opened 6 years ago

carn1x commented 6 years ago

Ubuntu 16.04, 175% scaling. Either Print PDF or directly to printer, the font seems to scale with the OS display settings scaling. This seems to be a minor annoyance with most of the paper backup content as it wraps to the next line, however for the root key this does not wrap at all, and will simply go off the right edge of the page in into oblivion.

To workaround, I had to close Armory, reduce scaling to 100%, start Armory. From then I could turn scaling back up to 175% and Armory did not seem to scale with it, it needs to be restarted. Itself an annoyance on a 4K resolution, the UI was tiny, but at least I could print. I did not notice any other issues with the UI however, only the page/printing aspect.

droark commented 6 years ago


fresheneesz commented 6 years ago

@carn1x The repository has moved here: . Could you close this issue and open it up there?