etrepat / baum

Baum is an implementation of the Nested Set pattern for Laravel's Eloquent ORM.
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Cannot access protected property Baum\SetMapper::$node #188

Open ddaattttaa opened 8 years ago

ddaattttaa commented 8 years ago


i whish to use the "buildTree" method but i have this error Cannot access protected property Baum\SetMapper::$node

public function map($nodeList) {
    $self = $this;

    return $this->wrapInTransaction(function() use ($self, $nodeList) {
      forward_static_call(array(get_class($self->node), 'unguard'));

and when i change the status of the variable node to 'public', i have that : Cannot call forward_static_call() when no class scope is active

an idea ? Thank you