etsy / AndroidStaggeredGrid

An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
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How to force the grid to redraw when handling configuration changes manually? #134

Open minlite opened 9 years ago

minlite commented 9 years ago

I'm loading a lot of data in my StaggeredGridView and reloading it after a configuration change (i.e orientation change) would take a long time. So I have marked to handle the orientation change myself.

When the orientation is changed from portrait to landscape while displaying a 2 column grid, the columns overlap each other. I believe it is because the view is not remeasuring and redrawing the layout.

How can I force measure and draw the StaggeredGridView in my onConfigurationChanged method?

I have tried using requestLayout(), invalidate(), and forceLayout() but none of them seems to solve my issue.


blundell commented 9 years ago

notifyDataSetChanged() on your adapter

zonkzen commented 9 years ago

@minlite @blundell Have you solved this issue? calling notifyDataSetChanged() does nothing...

mrdjohnson commented 8 years ago

For any future people, or anyone still wondering about this, hopefully this will help? :