etsy / AndroidStaggeredGrid

An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
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Set selection doesn't work for the first time when data gets loaded #135

Closed abhirb1 closed 9 years ago

abhirb1 commented 9 years ago

When i use set selection for the first time when data gets loaded in grid it doesn't work but when i scroll the list then it works..I don't know how? Can anyone help me here?

Tim1008 commented 9 years ago

Me too.the Set selection doesn't work! Is anyone know how to fix it???

abhirb1 commented 9 years ago

@Tim1008 Hey hi, have you solve this?

abhirb1 commented 9 years ago

Hi @Tim1008 ,

I have found the solution to this issue,You will have to go into ExtendableListView and in

    public void setSelection(final int position) {
    if (position >= 0) {
        mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SYNC;
        mSpecificTop = getListPaddingTop();

        mFirstPosition = 0;
        if (mNeedSync) { // this is always false for the first time, so you will have to make sure it      comes in this if
            mSyncPosition = position;
            mSyncRowId = mAdapter.getItemId(position);

for the first time it doesn't go to need sync if condition so that you will have to make sure mNeedSync variable is true.I have added a custom method for that in this class as

   public void setNeedSync(boolean value) {
    mNeedSync = value;

and that's it.

Tim1008 commented 9 years ago

Hi @abhirb1 , thank you for your enthusiasm. But didn't use this project now.

iceve commented 9 years ago

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sandeep-m commented 8 years ago

@abhirb1 Hi Abhi...I tried in th way you mention.But It is Crashing the app

ChrisMpitzios commented 8 years ago

it does scroll the gridview but if you try to scroll down immediatelly after the setselection execution it doesnot scroll. You have to scroll a little up and then you can scroll down.