etuna / facialanimation

OpenGL - Facial Animation
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How to run this code in linux #2

Open hrituraj-hr opened 1 year ago

hrituraj-hr commented 1 year ago

Can you tell me the commands and sequence of commands to link the header files and cpp files.

iamadityavaishy commented 1 year ago

Same doubt. In Mac, it is showing GL/gl.h file missing.

etuna commented 1 year ago

Hi, This shader based graphics project, actually one of a kind of simple collage homework, was implemented on visual studio. You had better try on windows workspace using visual studio with required infrastructure for graphics programming. On linux side, I am not sure whether there is any support available for this. You may also try to refactor for linux base. Regards

hrituraj-hr commented 1 year ago

/.......................................................................... Instructions to compile and run the Program Code in ubuntu with vim editor /..........................................................................


System Should have atleast OpenGL 3.1 and following libraries. 2.glu.h 3.glut.h 4.freeglut.h 6.glew.h

/..................................................... Installation of the libraries and editor /.....................................................

Installation of libraries Run the following commands in the terminal to install glut, gl, glu, freeglut, glew.

1.sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev 2.sudo apt-get install libglew-dev 3.sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

Installation of VIM editor 1.apt update 2.apt install vim

Keep All the files in the same folder Then run following commands in the terminal

g++ -c MenuHandler.cpp -o MenuHandler.o g++ -c InitShader.cpp -o InitShader.o g++ main.cpp InitShader.o MenuHandler.o -o myprogram -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lGLEW ./myprogram

How to animate Click right button of mouse, you will see menu then you can select the expression that you want to see. You can change the projection.