eu-digital-identity-wallet / eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework

The European Digital Identity Wallet
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Avoidance of Vendor Login #143

Open Sascha-Block opened 3 months ago

Sascha-Block commented 3 months ago


Implement process and common critera as well as features in the European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet to avoid vendor lock-in, empowering citizens with more freedom and choice in digital services and enabling vendors of all size to participate to fullfill quality criteria and service provider role.

User Stories

User: Tax-paying citizen of a member state Goal: To have the freedom to choose between digital services from various vendors within the EUDI Wallet, all meeting high-quality standards and criteria. Reason: To enhance competition, ensure high service quality, and promote digital sovereignty across the EU, enabling vendors of all sizes to participate.

User: Tax-paying citizen of a member state Goal: To access a wide range of digital services across the EU without being bound to specific vendors, ensuring freedom of choice and high-quality service. Reason: To enhance digital sovereignty, stimulate competition among vendors, and ensure that services adhere to common criteria for quality and interoperability.

*User: Service Provider Goal: To offer certified wallet services at competitive prices within the EUDI Wallet ecosystem. Reason**: To ensure fair participation in the European digital market and contribute to a diverse and competitive environment that benefits all stakeholders.

Acceptance Criteria

The following scenarios shall be covered.

Scenario 1: Freedom of EUDI wallet choice and Quality Assurance

A citizen can easily compare and select digital services from various vendors within the EUDI Wallet universe, all of which meet predefined quality criteria. This process demonstrates the Wallet's support for vendor diversity and its commitment to maintaining high standards of service.

Scenario 2: Certification and Fair Participation

A service provider should be able to apply for certification to offer services through the EUDI Wallet, following clear and transparent criteria. This process demonstrates the system's inclusivity and the provider's ability to compete fairly in the market.

pinamiranda commented 1 month ago

We appreciate your feedback. The eIDAS2 Regulation will lead the way of technical solutions in all European Member States. The regulation is aiming to ensure that all the EU citizens can access electronic services smoothly, securely and efficiently across EU. The eIDAS2 Regulation is also defining a legal framework for the EU and use of digital identities, seals and national implementations. Architecture Reference Framework (ARF) provides the technical guidelines and standards for developing and implementing EUDI Wallets.

In summary, the eIDAS 2 Regulation and the ARF already implement the processes and features to avoid vendor lock-in of the EUDI Wallet, empowering citizens with more freedom and choice in digital services and enabling vendors of all size to participate to fullfill quality criteria and service provider role.

Sascha-Block commented 6 days ago

@pinamiranda Thank you for your feedback and your understanding of my intention to clarify the primary objectives of the Architecture Reference Framework (ARF) in close relation to the eIDAS 2 Regulation.

How do you plan to adopt my feedback in terms of clearly defined user stories in close connection to clearly defined acceptance criteria?