eu-digital-identity-wallet / eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework

The European Digital Identity Wallet
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Duplicate sentence (typo) #196

Open id-henkmarsman opened 1 week ago

id-henkmarsman commented 1 week ago


the following section in the ARF v1.4 has a duplicate sentence in it.

Wallet Instance (WI): The app or application installed on a User device, which is part of an EUDI Wallet Solution and belongs to and is controlled by a User. This component implements the core business logic and interfaces depicted in figure 2. This component implements the core business logic and interfaces as depicted in figure 2. It directly interacts with the WSCA/WSCD to securely manage cryptographic assets and execute cryptographic functions, ensuring a high level of assurance for authentication.

User Story

Remove the duplicate sentence to have the correct text in the ARF.

Acceptance Criteria

Duplicate sentence is removed.


Low. No harm done at the moment, typo does not introduce errors, is merely a duplicate.


takes 2 minutes

Technical Notes and Constraints


