ARF Chapter: 2.1 Identification and access to online service
"This scenario covers the complete lifecycle of the EUDI Wallet from the User\'s perspective. It spans from acquiring a valid Wallet Instance to the process of identifying and authenticating themselves for an online service."
Recommendation: While some cases require personal attributes, many do not. Including DIDs makes identification possible in a uniform way without personal attribute disclosure; it also provides for key rotation without change of identifier - a practice considered important for good key management
Name: Heather Dahl, Sam Curren, Indicio
ARF Chapter: 2.1 Identification and access to online service "This scenario covers the complete lifecycle of the EUDI Wallet from the User\'s perspective. It spans from acquiring a valid Wallet Instance to the process of identifying and authenticating themselves for an online service."
Recommendation: While some cases require personal attributes, many do not. Including DIDs makes identification possible in a uniform way without personal attribute disclosure; it also provides for key rotation without change of identifier - a practice considered important for good key management