ARF Chapter: 2.1 Identification and access to online service
"In this specific use case, a User employs the EUDI Wallet to authenticate with their identity accessing online services by using high-security authentication. This process involves the use of multiple identity verification methods."
Recommendation: Inclusion of DID method in ARF. The use of DIDs does NOT require supporting all DID methods. A small subset can be used initially with expansion to other DID methods as required. A great lightweight method for DIDs representing individuals is did:peer, which does not have any ledger registration component. This maximizes privacy, while leveraging the power of DIDs for identification.
Name: Heather Dahl, Sam Curren, Indicio
ARF Chapter: 2.1 Identification and access to online service "In this specific use case, a User employs the EUDI Wallet to authenticate with their identity accessing online services by using high-security authentication. This process involves the use of multiple identity verification methods."
Recommendation: Inclusion of DID method in ARF. The use of DIDs does NOT require supporting all DID methods. A small subset can be used initially with expansion to other DID methods as required. A great lightweight method for DIDs representing individuals is did:peer, which does not have any ledger registration component. This maximizes privacy, while leveraging the power of DIDs for identification.