§ “However, there is no requirement for a PID Provider or an Attestation Provider to support all certified Wallet Solutions in the EUDI Wallet ecosystem.” This statement is not clear. The eligibility mapping between wallets, relying parties, citizenship and residency needs to be clarified. However, limiting some (Q)EAA on wallet-based restrictions risks introducing frictions, creates business uncertainty for all actors and finally leads to market fragmentation. We strongly recommend that the ARF defines clear rules to create trust in the consistency of the eIDAS ecosystem.
§ “However, there is no requirement for a PID Provider or an Attestation Provider to support all certified Wallet Solutions in the EUDI Wallet ecosystem.” This statement is not clear. The eligibility mapping between wallets, relying parties, citizenship and residency needs to be clarified. However, limiting some (Q)EAA on wallet-based restrictions risks introducing frictions, creates business uncertainty for all actors and finally leads to market fragmentation. We strongly recommend that the ARF defines clear rules to create trust in the consistency of the eIDAS ecosystem.