Validate that sufficient feedback is given to the user when the process of onboarding a manually-managed node fails.
A NebulOuS core installation is up and running. It’s IP is known.
Two users exists:
Device owner: A user with “device owner” role in NebulOuS.
Resource manager: A user with “resource manager” role in NebulOuS.
A machine WITHOUT the minimum requirements for NebulOuS agent is available. NebulOuS has network visibility over it. A pair of SSH keys of the machine linked with a user account with appropriate rights to install new software are known by the user “device owner”.
User “device owner” logs in to NebulOuS and fills in a device registration request. It provides a device Id, the public IP and the SSH keys. Some of the provided values are intentionally invalid.
Expected results
A device registration request is created.
NebulOuS tries to collect the device capabilities but fails due to the invalid parameters provided.
Device owner and resource manager are informed about the status of the process. Relevant error logs are collected and made can be seen by these users.
User “device owner” logs in to NebulOuS and fills in a device registration request. It provides a device Id, the public IP and the SSH keys.
Expected results
A device registration request is created.
NebulOuS tries to collect the device capabilities but fails due to the device not meeting the requirements for installing the NebulOuS agent.
Device owner and resource manager are informed about the status of the process. Relevant error logs are collected and made can be seen by these users.
Expected results
Expected results