eu81273 / angular.treeview

AngularJS based Treeview (no jQuery)
MIT License
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How to differentiate file node and empty folder node? #22

Open LostinChu opened 10 years ago

LostinChu commented 10 years ago

I met a problem when using angular treeview, if there are child nodes, the node will show as a folder, this is right. But if node is a directory, but there is no files in this folder, when I use this control, it treats the empty folder as a file. I think this is weird.

I also tried angular tree control, is has a place to set "What is leaf", but in treeview I didn't find the place to set my own way to judge what is a trache and what is a leaf node.

schitupolu commented 10 years ago

I do have this issue? Can someone let me know how to resolve this.

Namek commented 9 years ago

I've done this in my fork:

psimplicio commented 9 years ago

Sorry my ignorance but, how can i use leaf/container functionality?

Namek commented 9 years ago

I suppose you're asking me. I've just udpated README in my fork, look into Usage section.