euagendas / m3inference

A deep learning system for demographic inference (gender, age, and individual/person) that was trained on massive Twitter dataset using profile images, screen names, names, and biographies
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Segmentation Fault w/ transform_jsonl() #23

Open StephenTemp opened 2 years ago

StephenTemp commented 2 years ago

I believe I've installed m3-inference correctly, but running _transformjsonl() on a json lines file of tweets seems to fetch the first profile picture in the list and then terminate with a segmentation fault.

I believe the file is structured appropriately, in the format below: {json object}\n {json object}\n ...

Any idea what I might be running into?

zijwang commented 2 years ago

Does the example here work?

StephenTemp commented 2 years ago

It seems as though when I run the script everything works as intended; however, when I try to access via Python, I run into the seg faults. I've just tried running the and got the same error.

computermacgyver commented 2 years ago

Thanks @StephenTemp for reporting this. Could you please share the version of Python and version of torch you have installed? Also what operating system are you on?

I would also be curious to know if the scripts/ file is working for you. E.g.,

python scripts/ --skip-cache --screen-name barackobama --auth scripts/auth.txt

To run that you'll need to create the auth.txt file in the same format as scripts/auth_example.txt .

I'd like to isolate whether it's the downloading and processing of images (which happens in both scripts/ and transform_jsonl) or if it is something specific to transform_jsonl.

StephenTemp commented 2 years ago

python version: 3.9.4 torch version: 1.9.0 operating system: macOS Big Sur (11.4 w/ M1)

It seems as though the scripts/ file is indeed working! Here's the output:

Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 10 11 19 AM

Also here's the specific error message:

Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 10 17 59 AM
computermacgyver commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @StephenTemp . I had a typo in Barack (missed the c) and as a result the example we tried didn't include an image. Could you re-run the test with

python scripts/ --skip-cache --screen-name barackobama --auth scripts/auth.txt

Or re-run with any profile that includes a picture. Sorry about that.

StephenTemp commented 2 years ago

No problem!

Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 10 20 45 AM
computermacgyver commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @StephenTemp . One more question is the version of PIL you have

python -c "import PIL; print(PIL.__version__)"

My best guess @zijwang is that this is somewhere in the download or resizing of images given the code runs on a profile with no image but fails on a profile with an image. Given it's a seg fault, it must be in compiled code, which leads me to think it's something with PIL or how we pass the image data to PIL in a BytesIO wrapper. It might be that we can work around this by loading the image from a file for resizing rather than passing it in memory.

I'll see if I can recreate on my OS (Linux) using the same versions.

StephenTemp commented 2 years ago

PIL: 8.2.0, thanks for your help!

zijwang commented 2 years ago

@StephenTemp I did a test run on 1) a valid screen name with a profile, 2) a valid screen name without a profile, and 3) a non-exist screen name with an Ubuntu machine and everything works just fine. Here is my pip list result:

Package            Version
------------------ ---------
certifi            2021.5.30
charset-normalizer 2.0.6
idna               3.2
m3inference        1.1.5
numpy              1.21.2
pandas             1.3.3
Pillow             8.3.2
pip                21.0.1
pycld2             0.41
python-dateutil    2.8.2
pytz               2021.1
rauth              0.7.3
requests           2.26.0
setuptools         58.0.4
six                1.16.0
torch              1.9.0
torchvision        0.10.0
tqdm               4.62.2
urllib3            1.26.6
wheel              0.37.0

I also tried PIL 8.2.0 and things are still working fine.

One thing you may try is to add more log prints to m3inference/m3inference/ and see which exact line throws the segfault. This will provide us more insight on what the root cause is.

zijwang commented 2 years ago

@StephenTemp -- checking in to see whether this issue has been resolved :)

computermacgyver commented 2 years ago

operating system: macOS Big Sur (11.4 w/ M1)

Looks like this could be the same issue as #26

It might be specially related to the arm64/M1 chipset, which would explain why we couldn't reproduce it

StephenTemp commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the wait; it's been a cluttered semester! Yes, unfortunately I couldn't work around the _transformjson() function but was able to run the inference itself. It seems that the failure occurs in scripts/ on line pprint.pprint(m3Twitter.infer_screen_name(args.screen_name, skip_cache=args.skip_cache))