Closed eubinecto closed 2 years ago
Not bad. It is actually pretty decent name
화관? - nah, I can't use this because this is gendered.
Nope, I can't do that. 선비 has a rather negative connotation with it.
nah, too generic.
No, that is too obvious and dull.
changed the prompt from "great name" to "creative name" :
This seems to be the best one?
.... what the hell?
언어유희.. 가능할까?
Oh wait, now we are getting somewhere.
Can we do kpop? - as in.. Korean Politeness Pilot?
This seems nice! KORrector?
Korean Politeness Styler
politely - 도 나쁘지 않다. 프랭클리.. 화장품처럼? politely
and try to be object-oriented.
from politely import Styler, Explainer
# and... later in the code.
# just do it functionally.
styler = Styler()
# explainer explains the last attempt
explainer = Explainer(styler)
politetune is rather lame. is there a better name for this?